Viral marketing is a methods of list building


There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

If you wrote and submitted more than ten articles, then you have what it takes to write a short ebook on your topic and offer it to your list. All you need to do is to download the free open office suite and write in their word processor tool called writer.

With open office, you can create your own pdf for free.

Then, you need to quickly create an outline for your articles and this shouldn't take you more than thirty minutes. It's good to work with a timer to boost your productivity and avoid procrastination.

Here is how to do it step by step. Do not over complicate the process.

1. Open your old articles and add them in a text file.

2. Read all your articles and think about an outline for your book

3. Write the main subject of your ebook on a piece of paper.

4. Under this subject, write other sub-topics

5. Under each topic, quickly add some bullet points

Warning: at this point, a lot of ideas will come through your head, but don't get distracted. Write down these ideas for later.

6. Now that you have your outline which is basically your table of content, take the paragraphs from your articles and add them in the blank, add some "flow" sentences, and your ebook is almost ready.

This report will integrate perfectly into your article marketing strategy because you will link to it via your resource box.

This is a relatively simple way to create short report every single month. When you have several reports, you can write a full book that you sell at Amazon.

What do you think about this plan? I wrote several ebooks using this method. Some are free and some of them or paid ebooks. It's another way to profit from your articles.

To learn more, download my Free Guide: "How To Earn $100K Per Year With Article Marketing".

Franck Silvestre makes thousands of dollars a year from affiliate and article marketing. Wonder what the secret to his success is? Discover how he does it at:

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

First, allow me to preface this report by stating, advertisers in 2005 have spent $5.75 BILLION on Search Engine Marketing according to the latest news article published by:
SEMPO (Search Engine Marketers)

Website marketers cited Search Engine positioning was the top methodto drive traffic to their sites (66%), followed by email marketing (54%).
Source: Direct Marketing Association.

Assuming this relationship is still the same, (Good Guess), then, it is common sense to maximize your marketing efforts using both TARGETED Email marketing AND Search Engine Marketing to INCREASE profits.

The most cost effective way, to market your website, online, is to obtain several top 10-search engine rankings on the major search engines for your KEYWORDS.

Here is some interesting information:

Google grew approximately 75% and received 48.8% of all search engine traffic for December 2005. Yahoo received approximately 53.3%, down .3. MSN received 20.0% down 3.1.

Lets face it, Google is simply the largest search engines being utilized online today.
Source: Nielsen//NetRatings February 9, 2006

If you had a bricks and mortar corner store at SOMEWHERE WORLD, how would you advertise and promote that store?
Classified? Newspaper ads? TV ads? Radio?

Forget all that.

Welcome to Internet Marketing!

I am a very big fan of Search Engine Marketing using KEYWORDS, and email marketing using a highly TARGETED, (niche) market. But, this could cost anarm and a leg if you are not careful.

It is absolutely necessary to have some knowledge of how these resources work.

Or, have a well recommended, highly regarded company provide services for you. We use a company that is known world wide and also performs SEO services for Yahoo, along with many other International companies and organizations.

Feel Free to contact us for more information.

When I first investigated resources to promote my site, I started by asking for bids.

Was I ever amazed! They ranged from an iniitial cost of $300 plus monthly reoccurring costs, to $3000 plus monthly reoccurring costs. And, that was just for SEO services. We still have KEYWORD bidding, (marketing), we need to discuss.

Site submission is uncontrolled chaos. No one, and I mean NO ONE knows what GOOGLE thinks. Here is a little tongue twister. The real key in getting top position is selecting the right relevant KEYWORD with the best KEI value. More on this in a future Article.

Cant wait, can you?

Employees of GOOGLE dont know how they evaluate sites for ranking. Promises of top search engine ranking in 10 days are nonsense, unless, your ranked with some obscure KEYWORD that no one uses. I thought about that for awhile and came up with a solution.


BRAND your product, service, or website. Use your BRAND name everywhere; your ads, email, website, submissions, keywords.

Gain recognition.

This is a slow process, but it WORKS! I registered my BRAND:
Opportunities Now Internet Marketing Services.
It is indexed in all major Search Engines.
You can read an article we wrote about branding here:

Some Interistesting Facts:

Top ways websites are discovered :

Banner ads 1%
Targeted email 1.2%
TV spots 1.4%
"By accident" 2.1%
Magazine ads 4.4%
Word-of-mouth 20%
Random Surfing 20%
Search Engines 46%
(Ref. - Popular Search engine review.)

Please be careful how you interpret these stats. This refers to being DISCOVERED. SALES are made by Keyword marketing (about .52%), and targeted email marketing, about 48%.)

In Summary

Combine your email marketing with Search Engine Submissions to cover ALL your market. Use a reputable company for SEO, (Search Engine Optimization)services. Some even offer a 90 day free trial.

Start growing YOUR own "in house" safelist. We started with 366 subscribers 60 days ago, and grew our DOUBLE OPTINLIST by over 1000% today. (We can prove this claim).

If want to know how, contact us.

We are very fortunate to have a relationship with our very highly regarded, respected, and valued subscriber list. We would NEVER sell, transfer or lease our list to anyone.

If you are using "spray and pray" marketing techniques, you are missing 50% of your potential sales and nearly 99% of your market.

Final Tip: Make a BUDGET you can afford;(It does not matter the how large, or small, your budget is.. Set aside about 50% for SEO and 50% TARGETED email marketing.

Watch your traffic and sales grow.

Yahoo Feed "Go Articles", an excelant source for information.


I began my work from home business three years ago, operating successfully, as an affiliate for several quality online businesses. On October 11, 2005, we took a major step forward and launched our website:

Since then, we have more than doubled our online sales, and profits, using techniques we learned over the previous three years. Our goal is to help other work from home business surive and grow successfully too.

Our site provides all the necessary products and services needed to have that dream be reality.

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

A website is like a finely tuned engine. It should be built to generate maximum exposure on search engines, drive traffic to the site and make its owner money. It's not enough to put gas in the tank (content, graphics, links, etc.) and expect it to take off!

You are not a (web) mechanic and not expected to know all the nuances of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). But to get the most mileage out of your website you need to have a SEO expert fine tune it. So instead of seeing red with SEO.

For example, not many website owners know about the "nofollow" tag. But it is important for your website optimization. There are certain pages, content or links you do not want the search engine spiders "to follow." It is intended to reduce the effectiveness of certain types of search engine spam, thereby improving the quality of search engine results. By putting the "nofollow" tag in the code will tell the Google spiders not to follow your designations.

There are other SEO tags (i.e. meta, title, anchor and description tags) that need to be built into the coding for the search engine "bots" to find. These tags are taken from the keyword rich content in your website. When done correctly and according the Google guidelines, it will help get your page ranked and make it easier for people searching for your products and services to find your site. Remember the more traffic, the more viewers, the more leads and sales.

The devil may be in the details of SEO but optimization should be in your website and be an important part of your marketing efforts.

TeamWork Builds Web Success

The Web Success Team specializes in building and marketing direct response websites that take full advantage of the latest developments on the Internet. The Team has an arsenal of effective web strategies, online tools and proven techniques to promote your products and services. And we'll show you ways to increase the amount of qualified traffic to your site through the expanding "social web" and how to convert visitors into buyers at a high rate of return.

Your website can become an effective marketing hub for your business. To learn more about the power of Direct Response Web Marketing, log on to

Contact the Team today for a complimentary consultation at or email Bob Speyer at To your web success!

Viral marketing is a methods of list building


There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

In this article I would like to share with you some secrets that have helped me to get better results with my article marketing. Initially when I first started I was not getting the results that I wanted. Hopefully these tips will help you too.

1) You need to write consistently

One of the most overlooked factors of article marketing is that you need to write consistently. A minimum of 3 articles a day to see any decent results. If you are not doing this then you are going to end up struggling. The higher the number of articles the more subscribers you will have and the greater the number of sales as well.

2) Work meticulously on your title and bio

One of the most significant factors that I have discovered that has increased my conversion of subscribers is having a killer title and a bio that people can't resist clicking on. If you offer a free ebook this will substantially improve your conversion relative to offering a free report.

3) Split test different headlines for your squeeze page

When I first started doing article marketing I was getting sufficient amounts of traffic to my squeeze page, but very few people actually ended up subscribing to my newsletter. I tested different headlines with different copy and was able to substantially improve my conversion rate.

4) Maximize your autoresponder sequence

At this stage you will start seeing traffic to your website and generating subscribers for your opt in list. Your list is only valuable if you are actually making money from it. I test all my emails and those that convert into sales I add to my message series in my autoresponder.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

With the stiffer amount of competition in getting the necessary traffic to earn a higher ranking on search engines, a lot of businessmen are resorting to shedding out some amount to pay for search engine optimization purpose instead of taking a little extra time on how they can further enhance their search engine optimization. It really does not take too much to optimize your search engine. Below are some few tips that one can use.

Carefully choose and embed keywords. It is essential that one should think about incorporating carefully thought keywords on their web sites. When choosing the keyword, do not use the too much popular keywords as these are normally taken. You have to get a better plan of choosing your keywords because they are essential in putting your website into a much higher ranking.

Know who you are competing against in terms of keywords. You can actually see for yourself if too much competition is at stake to earn an optimized search engine. To actually experience it, you can use the google search engine to determine which are the most googleable keywords.

Position your keywords at the start of the websites introduction part. By putting the keywords on the beginning line of your website, you are emphasizing that those are essential words that one can use to when searching. Since, a search engine works by looking into the keywords present on website content, your website then will have a greater chance of being searched.

Want to learn more about it? Download the free ebook, Steps to Article Marketing Success.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building


There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Each week I receive dozens of article submissions to my websites from aspiring authors, website owners, and entrepreneurs embarking on a new article marketing campaign. Most of the time, I can only use a small fraction of the content I receive because people writing articles make one of the crucial article marketing mistakes listed below.

KEY POINT: When you submit articles to a newsletter/ezine publisher or a website owner as part of your article marketing campaign, you have to remember that they aren't going to publish YOUR article for THEIR customers and visitors unless it is high quality content that gives something of value.

If you're writing articles like crazy as part of your article marketing, but getting very few of them actually published, then you might want to re-evaluate your approach. Are you making one of these crucial article marketing mistakes?

1. Poor Subject Matter:

If you're going to bother writing articles, write about something that people are interested in reading about. In other words, address a problem and provide a solution within your content. This is your best bet when in comes to article marketing. Content pieces that approach an old problem in a new way or with a new twist work well too -- you don't have to necessarily discover a whole new problem that no one else has ever though of before (If you discover a whole new problem and have the solution you better be thinking of product creation not just an article marketing!).

2. Write With Personality:

No one likes to read text books. Put a little of your own personality into your article marketing and make your content engaging and entertaining as well as informative. If you have a sense of humor, use it.

3. Write For Your Audience:

Don't distribute content about the value of protein in the American diet to a Russian Political website or the publisher of a podiatry newsletter... They don't care.

4. Write A Decent Sized Article:

Most publishers would rather an article be a little bit too long than very short. Four hundred word articles just don't have enough meat in them. Don't ramble when you're writing articles, but you've got to provide some details if you want to be published.

5. Break Up Your Article: When writing articles, don't use three long paragraphs. Break it up into smaller paragraphs with a few single lines, bullets, etc. to make it easier and more enjoyable to read. Again -- no one likes to read text books.

6. Spell Check And Grammar:

If you're writing articles as part of a serious article marketing campaign, then you've got to spell check. No one will publish your content if it's full of spelling and grammar errors.

7. Don't Write A Sales Letter: No one will publish an article that reads like a sales letter... period. Article marketing isn't about selling, it's about pre-selling.

8. Forget About Affiliate Links:

Use your head... why would anyone use your content article if it's full of your own affiliate links? Ever hear of the "Golden Rule?" It applies to article marketing too. Would you publish another writer's article if it were full of his affiliate links? I doubt it.

9. Create A Reasonable Resource Box:

A resource box should tell me who you are, what you do, and how I can get in touch with you. It's not unlimited advertising space for you to describe every website you run and each product you sell. Article marketing is about providing content, not advertising. That "Golden Rule" thing applies to resource boxes too.

10. Only Write About What You Know:

Even if you're writing articles based on opinion, get your facts straight. Don't write content filled with advice that you have no business giving... it will hurt your article marketing campaign.

If you take nothing else away from this discussion, remember that a good article writing campaign always answers "What's in it for me?"

When you're writing articles to send to newsletter and website publishers, you have to answer that question on two fronts...

What's in it for the publisher? Why should they show your content to their customers and visitors? Does it give something of value?

-- AND --

What's in it for the people who will ultimately be reading your article when it's published?

After all, the idea behind article marketing is to provide some worthy content that compels readers to visit your site, subscribe to your newsletter, or buy your product.

Article marketing can be extremely lucrative... but you've got to do it right.


Savvy internet marketers generate thousands of dollars from Article Marketing marketing each year. To get instant access To The Amazing Article Formula that gets articles distributed, Published, and read, Visit Now! Or Visit to submit your article.

Making Money with Your Blog!


A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

First of all, what is an article? An article is a short essay about one limited topic that is directly related to the subject matter of your website. Your articles should range in length from 300 words on up to about 700 words. Most article directories want a minimum of at least 250-300 words, and an article much longer than 700 words may not get fully read.

So how do you decide what to write about?

Start with the topic of your web site. Let us imagine that it is a car web site. Let us even assume that it is a car repair information web site.

Now, make a list of 20 main topics that people might be interested in if they come to your website, for example:

Engine repairs, body repairs, alternator repairs, headlight repairs, etc.

Next, write a list of questions that people sometimes ask you about each of those topics, for example, under engine repairs these are some sample questions:

Does my car need a tune up?, How do I change my spark plugs?, How do I know the timing belt needs replacing?, etc.

Once you have written your list of 20 questions, write an answer to each of the questions you have brainstormed. Each of those answers will become an article and if you have come up with 20 topics and 20 questions each, you have 400 article titles handy.

How to Write the Body of Your Article

One of the ways that you can write your article is to first write down three ways (or more) or ideas that will help answer the question you are asking.

Write 2-3 sentences about each of these ways or ideas, so that you have a total of 6-9 sentences, just answering the question.

Next, write a summary of all of these ideas, using 2-3 sentences to do it.

Add to this summary 1-2 sentences that introduce your question and answer, for example, why is the answer to this question important? Tell why you are writing the article and indicate that you are going to answer the question with 3 main points.

Next, write another, different, but similar, summary and use it as your conclusion paragraph.

At the very end, give people a solid, compelling reason to click through to your squeeze page. I like to use a short, informative, free ebook just like this as a free giveaway, and I use language like this:

To download a free copy of my brand new ebook, How I Use Article Marketing to List Build, click here: (my link is here).

Or I might use language like this: To claim a free copy, To read more information, etc.

The bottom line is I am giving people solid reason to go to my squeeze page, not just a lame to get more info. I am also not a fan of bragging about myself and all my achievements they dont care, the only thing they care about is if I can help them get ahead online (in my case; your niche obviously might have a different need).

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 500 articles in print and 9 published ebooks.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building


There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Increasing site traffic, visibility, and profitability are the main goals of implementing the best link popularity strategies existing in the market for your online business.

Currently, Google shares one of the best link popularity strategies to use which is to be a pro-active online marketer. This means you make sure that you are visible where ever you need to be by submitting your website's link to or having link exchanges with various websites with high traffic.

Take note that the websites you have link with should have high traffic, which is deemed that the website is an important site by search engines as many people visit it. This means that the sites you hook up with are quality sites, and in a way, through link backs, makes you a quality site as well. If you are a quality site, your ranking increases in search engines.

In short, by being pro-active in increasing your website's visibility efficiently, search engines will follow in increasing your visibility in results. The expected outcome will follow: increased traffic to your website and higher possibility of earning a sale!

Your strategy for link popularity shouldn't stop in being pro-active in the submission of links. It should be followed in submitting articles about your business, products/service, and industry to the websites you have submitted your links to or have a link exchange program with.

These articles should be well "referenced" such that links going back to your website, where the same article is posted, are included at its end. This link you put at the end of your article will now server as the referrer for search engines to follow. Make sure you submit articles often to continuously increase your ranking and site traffic. Have a blog as well, even if it contains a listing of all the articles you've made already and have available in your website.

The blog should contain the same articles you've submitted to websites for your link popularity strategy to increase your visibility in the Web.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to link popularity success, 'Secrets of Link Popularity for Online Income'

Download it free here: Link Popularity

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Article marketing, of course, involves writing articles for the purpose of submitting them to the various online article directories and including a link to your web site in the articles, so that you will receive traffic from the articles you market.

There are two ways that you can make money with article marketing.

One way that you can make money with article marketing is by writing articles to send traffic to your web site, and then you make money from the traffic that comes to your web site, in much the same way that you make money from other forms of traffic, whether that is by building list and monetizing it, or by selling products online. I call this direct traffic when you submit the articles for the purpose of getting the direct hits from article readers. To do this effectively, simply write many quality articles and post them to the top 2 or 3 article directories online.

The second way that you can make money with article marketing is by writing a few articles and submitting them to multiple article directories I think that there are around 500 at current count. This will allow you to gain a maximum number of what the search engines call backlinks, and the search engines will generally rank you higher in the search engine results if you have more backlinks. Once the search engines rank your website, then people can visit your web site via the search engines, so I call this article marketing traffic indirect traffic.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 400 articles in print and 8 published ebooks.

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Build it and they will come only works in the movies. If youre a small business owner, relying on people finding you will most likely end in disaster. Actively pursuing clients predicts success, but many entrepreneurs simply dont know how to do that.

Let me assure you though that marketing is easy IF you have a plan.

The best plans are written down in a notebook, or maybe theyre on your computer. Even a scrap of paper will do. But studies show when you write things down, youre more likely to succeed.

Sometimes new business owners are wary of any talk about marketing because they think marketing must be expensive. Yet can you afford not to market your company? And usually theyre thinking of advertising rather than marketing. Although many think so, the two terms are not synonymous. Advertising is merely one form of marketing.

Heres a few.

  • It all starts with image (and yes, image is part of marketing as is pretty much everything you say and do). To show the world a professional image, consider the impact of having everything that represents your company match perfectly be it business cards, brochures, and your web site to name a few.
  • The single-most affordable marketing strategy is networking and requests for referral. In fact, not only is it the most affordable, its also the most effective. A client coming to your through a referral is likely interested in your product or services 60% of the time. You simply cant beat that.
  • Direct mail is an excellent strategy for reaching your target market one-on-one. Direct mail works for both business-to-business and consumer markets. And while writing for both markets has certain aspects in common, theres also important differences when copywriting for the two.

  • If your town has bulletin boards or storefronts that allow it (most do if you look hard enough), post a notice free of charge. The only cost bulletin board notices have is your time.
  • Join your local business groups and offer to speak during their next meeting. Although public speaking is one of our most common fears, speaking to a group quickly establishes expert status.
  • Find a business that offers complementary services to yours and split the costs of your both your marketing. For example, if you own a graphic design business, join forces with a printer.
  • I cant end this discussion without mentioning web sites. There is no other way to reach as many people at the same time (except maybe advertising, but advertising on the same scale can be very expensive). The problem with web sites is putting one up is just the beginning. Marketing your site takes a lot of hard work, but its worth it.
Small business marketing doesnt need to be difficult. Nor does it need to be expensive. These 7 strategies are just the tip of the iceberg. Really, youre only limited by your imagination, and of course your budget.

Eve Jackson offers marketing services to small business owners. If youre an entrepreneur whod like to increase your sales, give her a call at 306-373-1459 or visit her web site at where youll find all sorts of information to help your small business succeed. Youll learn about small business image, marketing strategies, direct mail and small business web site development from start to finish.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building


There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Do you wonder how some marketers are able to make a lot of cash with article marketing?

The answer is that they write a lot of articles.

Many article marketers wanna-be will write one article a week. The most motivated will send ten articles per week to various article directories.

I'll be totally honest with you. This won't cut it.

To make a lot of money with article marketing, you need to submit hundreds of article per month.

Write on the most popular topics without worrying about competition. These topics are gold, Internet marketing, weight loss, learning Spanish and other languages, dog training, etc...

You also need to write fast.

Article marketing is a numbers game, and the more article you write and submit to directories, the more money you will make.

It is important that you don't spend too much time on a single article. Just write about your topic without thinking about it.

You do not need to worry about grammar or spelling mistakes while you are typing. Just write about what you think. This is called the "brain dump" method.

Once you finished writing, go back and edit your article in MS word.

Remember that you are going to write another article right after this one. I told you that article marketing is a numbers game before.

You need to submit at least three articles every single day.

If you submit those three articles every single day, you are going to see results from your article marketing effort.

Don't forget that you need to build your list of subscribers in the process to make even more money.

To learn more, download my Free Guide: "How To Earn $100K Per Year With Article Marketing".

Franck Silvestre makes thousands of dollars a year from affiliate and article marketing. Wonder what the secret to his success is? Discover how he does it at:

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Writing articles to market your products and services is one great, cost-effective method. Although there are other equally cost-effective marketing instruments that one can use to promote an idea or a service, article marketing remains to be the top most trusted marketing medium in the internet today. This is the reason why a continued patronage is being extended to it by the majority of the business people. In addition, newer and bolder methods are being developed to further enhance the capacity of this marketing tool to persuade and goad other people. Below are some these methods:

1. Prepare the message that you wish to convey. This is commonly the article that you need to create. You need to make sure that the articles are very well made and crafted. The topics should foster interest and appeal to the targeted readers/clients. In addition, you also need to ensure that they are free from any form of incorrectness and flaws.

2. Choose the article directories where you will have your articles submitted. There are various sites that allow for a free publication of your articles. Since generally of these sites are welcoming the submission and publication for free, all you need to do is to make sure that the articles being submitted for publication pass the standards set forth by these publication sites. Make sure that they are of high quality and do not contain any substandard contents.

3. Monitor how each article submitted and published is playing on the site. Track how these articles are making an impact to your business. Be a proactive player. Make sure that plans are made to combat potential failure on each plan that you have. Although it is advised that you give your articles some time to be able to pick up, make sure that you do not wait too long to take an action when you feel that your copies are of not reaping good results.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

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