Viral marketing is a methods of list building


There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

A lesson on maximizing your viral marketing.

Simplifying your viral marketing can mean instant traffic and sales to any given product.

Focus your viral marketing along with quality lead capture or squeeze pages and the results will never cease to amaze you.

"What is focused viral marketing and how do you simplify it?".

First off I would like to clarify, that viral marketing comes in many forms i.e. article writing, ebook publishing, etc., but for this lesson I am talking about viral marketing in the sense of free viral traffic generation sites such as Banner, Exit, Slide-In Ads, Tool Bar and Web Ring, type advertising exchanges.

Wherein you join and in return for placing the program's exchange code on your site to show other member's ads, you also get your ads shown on the sites of those members.

Focused viral marketing is the combination of several quality viral traffic programs all advertising the same URL for you. Then you divide these viral traffic programs between a series of 4 to 5 lead capture or squeeze pages which advertise a certain affiliate program or one of your products. Each page has a sign up form which is tied to a quality autoresponder system. In this autoresponder system you have a series of letters all with information on this product or service.

Every viral program you have featured throughout this series of pages is also set to advertise these pages. And as you advertise the pages, they in turn get you credits in all the exchanges and also gather leads for you from the autoresponder form you have on the pages.

To simplify your focused viral marketing, you use a central URL, in which you place this series of lead capture pages and where you have access to change the program this URL is advertising. i.e. via a quality tracking and rotator system. A tracking system is recommended. But use your rotator URL in it, so you can add the various pages that have the different viral traffic codes on them into the rotator. Then when you want to change programs you simply change the URL's in the rotator.

To maximize your traffic to this series of pages you put them into all the start page and traffic exchanges you belong to. Some of these sites will not take rotators, so simply put in as many of the pages as they will allow. Keeping note that when you do change your program pages in the rotator you will also want to change these various exchanges as well.

However, also keep in mind that the traffic exchanges that don't allow a rotator will serve to help you continue to grow traffic in the viral programs during times you just want to change the rotator to a single URL. You won't always have time to create a series of pages for every program or product. So you simply keep the same series going in one of your auto surf programs or other quality exchanges you gather frequent credits in and thus continue the focused viral traffic generation with ease.

Once you master the above you can start sending 100's or even 1000's of hits to any product or service you want instantly, by simply going to the one rotator system and changing the URLs it promotes.

I can give you a live case study on this - me - :). I recently created a free report, in which I was able to instantly change my on going focused viral marketing within a matter of seconds by logging in to my rotator and changing the URLs in it. Then once I did that all my current live ads started promoting this one report. Literally within a matter of minutes I was receiving sign ups to the autoresponder and people were downloading my free report. In less then a week I had 50 members in this autoresponder system and the numbers continue to climb as we speak.

Each time I do this I can focus 100-500 + hits a day to any given program or product and instantly generate sign ups and purchases of my products. If I want to bump that up even more. I just surf more in my traffic exchanges that day. It is that simple!

It never ceases to amaze me how easy it is to do this. So much so, that on this last round I even logged into all my banner exchanges, etc. I have been using and realized there was no need. I already had them promoting my tracking / rotator URL and I was set, didn't have to do another thing except watch the sign ups pour in.

Once you have the above set in motion you can instantly have traffic coming from all over the Internet, to any product or service you want. You can do this too! It just takes a little focus and determination.

Sincerely, Debbie Ducker

About the Author
Debbie Ducker is the owner of:
And author of many articles and How To marketing materials.
Get help with your viral marketing by reading our new ebook here:

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Just what is Search Engine optimisation or SEO? Why does it appear so valuable to so many webmasters and others with internet commerce sites? The definition of this term is simple. It is the process of ranking a site high in the pages of search engine results in order to get more visitors. The concept behind Search Engine optimisation is if your site appears on the first page of a Google or Yahoo search query result then there is a high likelihood that you will have a greater number of visitors. More visitors usually results in more business.

The definition is simple but the process is much more involved. The entity that will do the ranking of your page is not a person but a software process known as a Searchbot that finds your site, classifies it, and determines how popular it is. If it determines that a site is very popular, it ranks it higher than the others. Companies hire Search Engine optimisation consultants to analyze your web site and implement methodologies so that searchbots will be able to easily find and rank your site.

One of the first steps implemented in Search Engine optimisation is finding popular keywords for your site and then making sure that keyword appears on the top or home page frequently allowing the searchbot to classify it. For example, if the products you sell from your site are related to snow skis then you want the words snow skis to appear at several places on especially the home page. The searchbot will traverse the web, find your site, analyze the text, and determine that your site is a one selling snow skis and related products.

Part of Search Engine optimisation is to make sure that the text on your site is actually text (like what you would type in Windows Notepad). In other words, a searchbot cannot read text in images. It can only read pure ASCII character text in order to extract the keywords. The way many sites put this text on their home page is with what are known as keyword articles. In our example of a snow ski site, the webmaster would put informative articles on the home page of the site about snow ski topics. In these articles you would find the words snow skis used quite often so that the searchbot will detect it.

The other popular methodology used in Search Engine optimisation is to have a link back to your site on some other popular site related to your product. This helps the searchbot determine that your site is popular enough to be listed on an already popular site and the result is a higher ranking. If a link to your site for snow skis appears on numerous popular ski resort sites then this is an indication of popularity and searchbots will rank your site higher.

There is a lot more to Search Engine optimisation than just the two concepts above. There are issues such as what not to do. Some are tempted to stuff their sites with hidden keywords that saturate the page but cannot be seen in the browser but will be found by the searchbot. Doing this will ban your site from ever getting classified so avoid it. There are also unrealistic claims made by so-called SEO consultants to get your site ranked quickly but the process actually takes time to adjust strategies and figure out what works and what does not work. A good SEO consultant will know this.

Thomas Sinfield is the founder of a marketing company based in Queensland, Australia that specialises in search engine optimisation, and internet marketing.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building


There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

If you are reading this, then you must either be an article marketer or you want to be one. Whether you are a beginning article marketer or an expert you need a great article marketing management system. Without managing your articles you will not know where your visitors are coming from and what is making you money. Read on to discover the top article marketing management system.

The first thing you need to do is start testing different resource boxes. This can be done with one single article or with multiple articles. Basically you want to create 4 different versions of the resource box for the same article. Then, you need to submit the article to four different article directories, each with different resource boxes. Wait about a week and check to see how many clicks you had on each resource box.

Make sure you break it down into a percentage of clicks compared to views since you will get more clicks from better article directories than others. After you have done this you can go ahead and change all of your articles to the best resource box you have. This will give you the best chance to get the most clicks from your articles. This tip alone can triple your clicks.

The second thing you need is a tracking system. Your tracking system needs to keep track of views, clicks, sales, and list sign ups. This will give you a good idea of how your articles are performing and you can figure out which articles are your best and continue to use the strategy that you used for them.

Article marketing is always a learning process and you need to continually be learning from your own articles. With this type of article marketing management you will be able to keep on top of your performance and know what is going on with your articles.

Discover how to create Articles Faster than you could ever imagine. Go here for more information:

Making Money with Your Blog!


A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

The major community of internet surfers or users is utilizing the search engines to get information they are looking for. Being an online business provider, it is essential to know the basic requirement to get listed in major search engines. If you want business from online market, then you should consult the SEO Company or hire a SEO expert to work for your site. It is very time taking process to promote any website and to get higher search ranking.

Here is some basic information about search engine optimization. SEO is the abbreviation of search engine optimization. It is the process of optimizing a website in such a way that search engine can easily access the pages of website and user or surfer can easily find it. SEO company includes different types of steps to make your site search engine friendly.

The first part of seo services is on page optimization. Basic steps included in onsite optimization are:

1. Find best targeted keywords relevant to your business

2. Make title and meta tags relevant to your web page theme

3. Content optimization and internal linking.

4. Use of h1,...h6 tags for heading

5. Create a site map

6. Use title and alt attributes that include targeted keywords.

7. Make robots.txt file.

For online business, content is the most important factor. Having informative and interesting content in the website will entail frequent visits by visitors. This also helps you to get quality back links easily, as quality back links are most important factor in search engine optimization. Once your site gets higher ranking, it will start getting more targeted visitors and your ROI will increase gradually.

Author of this article is keen to share knowledge about outsourcing services like web development company, and benefits of outsourcing such as web design company. Contact us for more details at

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Affiliate Elite is the latest breakthrough in affiliate marketing software, courtesy of online marketing guru Brad Callen. Having used Brad's previous products (SEO Elite and Keyword Elite) I thought that Affiliate Elite was going to blow the competition out of the water. For those new to affiliate marketing there is a bit of a learning curve in terms of understanding how to use the software. This article will give you some tips, so that you can make the most out of Affiliate Elite sooner.

Tip 1) Use Clickbank

Clickbank could be considered the most successful affiliate marketing network currently operating. The beauty of clickbank is that it only sells product which can be downloaded instantly. This is fantastic as it means you will be credited with the commission instantly. Affiliate Elite works best with Clickbank as it has access to Clickbank's vast statistical database. Expressing this information in a graphical form opens un-ending opportunities in selecting profitable affiliate products to promote.

Tip 2) Choose Your Affiliate Products Wisely

Before you let Affiliate Elite discover the most profitable affiliate marketing products, you need to understand something about why people buy online. People use the internet everyday looking for hope. Quite often they will purchase a product as it promises to fix some inadequacy or insecurity. For this reason, generally you will find it more profitable to promote products that have something to do with: making money, health and fitness, and relationships. The product you choose should have an element of 'desperation' about it.

Tip 3) Gravity, Referred and Earned Per Sale Are Key To Choosing Successful Affiliate Products

These 3 statistics are the key to choosing the most successful clickbank products to promote within Affiliate Elite.

'Gravity' is a numerical representation of the average units being sold of the product. This statistic is vital as it indicates if the product is selling well or not. Further to this you are looking for consistency in this area- often their will be a steep increase when a product is sold, due to the hype and advertising. What you should be interested in, is what happens after this initial period.

'Referred' is a numerical representation of who is selling and profiting from the product. The higher the number the more affiliate's are profiting, the lower the number means the merchant (the owner of the product) is profiting.

'Earned Per Sale' is a numerical representation of the average amount earned per product sold. This information is crucial as it will indicate whether there are any refunds, which is not what you want.


Affiliate Marketing is extremely competitive, and the competition will only increase. Whatever methods you choose to use, you will always benefit from having access to as much statistical data as possible. Interpreting this data and identifying trends and acting upon them at the right time is key to success in affiliate marketing. With affiliate elite you will have all these tools at your disposal.

For more information and tips on the breakthrough software Affiliate Elite, please visit:

Making Money with Your Blog!


A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Promoting your products and website cannot be easier these days. With the advent of article marketing, you need not to learn technical skills nor have huge marketing budget just to create brand awareness or increase your website's traffic. You just have to write and market your articles that are relevant to your target niche and useful to your potential clients.

1. Empathize. People would feel a lot better if they know that somebody understand where they are coming from. Learn how to empathize and put yourself in the shoes of your readers. This can promote customer trust and loyalty that can end up to trusting business relationship.

2. Content. Your articles must be able to offer valuable, useful information to your readers. In addition, they must also be well-written, fact-based, scannable, and free from grammar and spelling errors to give your potential clients great reading experience.

3. Be familiar with the rules set by publishing sites. This can help you create articles that conform to the standards set by publishers so you can be assured that you won't have problems in posting your articles online.

4. Make your resource box powerful, enticing, and compelling. You would want your readers to click on your resource box; otherwise, your article marketing efforts will just go down the drain. Strive to create a resource box that can effectively move your readers to visit your website.

5. Be consistent. Don't stop writing and submitting articles even if you have attracted enough traffic to you website. This can strengthen your online presence and pull up your search engine ranking.

6. Distribute your articles on other avenues. Aside from article submission sites, you can also post your articles to your blog, website, or use them on your email marketing campaign.

Want to learn how to sell high ticket products online? Download my brand new free guide here: "How to Sell High Ticket Products Online"

Sean Mize teaches a powerful, highly advanced system of creating and selling high ticket products online.

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

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