Making Money with Your Blog!


A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

The more links you acquire from various website and blogs, the more valuable your website becomes in terms of search engine algorithms. The quantity and quality of links pointing to your site determines your page ranking. It also affects the traffic you generate for your site. The following steps are effective means in acquiring quality links for your website:

1. Launch a reciprocal link campaign. Search the internet for link exchange directories where you can find websites that you can exchange links with. Email their webmasters for a link exchange request and wait for their confirmation. This can be a tedious task but the rewards are beneficial.

2. Acquire one way links through forums. You can easily create one way links to your website by joining relevant forums. In these websites, you can post comments or advices to your target market together with your website's URL. One post grants you one quality inbound link!

3. Acquire one way links through article marketing. Another way to create inbound links to your account is through article marketing. If you have the knack for writing, this one will definitely work for you. Write relevant articles about your field of expertise and submit them to article directories. Each submission guarantees you an inbound link.

4. Submit your website to online directories. There are numerous link directories where you can submit your website's URL to. While this task can be totally time-consuming, it will definitely help your site rank better on search engines.

5. Blogging. Create your own blog and post relevant contents on it. Include your website's URL on each post.

6. Allow online users to use your articles. You can permit online users and other webmasters to use your articles on their site provided that they will include a your website's link on each article they use.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

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Viral marketing is a methods of list building


There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Writing articles is one of the easiest and most effective ways of generating free traffic to your website and getting free advertising. So without further ado, let's get into it and learn all about using articles to generate free traffic...

Now let's get down the root of your article. In this section, this is what we are going to cover

1) Determine the purpose of your article
2) Creating a compelling article heading
3) How to make your article interesting
enough so they click on your resource link
4) How to write your article quickly and make it a viral marketing machine
5) How to spit and polish your article so it looks like you re a professional writer

Let determine the purpose of your article. This might sound stupid, but if you do not know what you want your readers to do when they finish reading your article, how will they know what to do? Before I get too far into writing this, there is one thing you must do before you put pen to paper so to speak.

It does not apply to article writing on the Internet. The purpose of writing articles is to get a response and that sometimes means using unconventional methods of writing. If you cannot handle that your writing my look like it was written in the dark in some sports (maybe a bit harsh) and you are neurotic about it, forget writing on the Internet altogether.

This is meatball writing. We get straight to the point and give the readers all the information in less then 700 words.

Now back to determining the purpose of your article. Here are the usual options that the reader has.

1) Visit your website link in the resource box his is probably the most common response people seem to go to, even if it is the wrong one. People are so fixated with wanting their readers to go to their websites and buy straight away. Tell me something, how many strangers on the Internet have you brought something from because they just told you a great story? None right? You have to preheat the oven before you can ask for their credit card details.

Sending your readers to your website will usually result in a lower sales percentage straight off the bat. That is of course if you are selling them anything at all.If you were selling them something, the best bet would be to send them straight to your newsletter sign up link in your resource box, or even better yet, a free 5 day course via email, which I will talk about in a minute.

But if you are sure you want to send them to your website, the best way to do that is to tell your readers (in your article) that if you go to your website (in your resource box), there is a free gift (of value) they can get, just by visiting your site.

Make sure if you do this, it is not a blatant plug for a product and the gift is of real value, or very few publishers will publish your article, and fewer readers will respond to you in the future. No one likes being sold straight off the bat, and by giving them a free gift, or getting them to give you their email address some way is the best way to go.

2) Visit an affiliate link This one is quite tricky. For starters, some publisher did not allow you to put affiliate program links in your article at all, and if you do, they have to be completely in context and it must be one brilliant article, but that is not a problem. You can of course put an affiliate link in your resource box, which would be allowed straight away.However, if you want your affiliate links in your article here are a few tips.

1. Make sure they add value to your article and are not just blatant plugs.
2. Make sure your article is informative and to the point
3. Give plenty of free information away at your website and or offer a free course
4. Write a brilliant article!

3) Subscribe to your mailing list This is one of the better options? Why, because when they sign up for your mailing list, they are giving you permission to contact them via email on a regular basis. It would be very hard in your article to announce your mailing list in context of the article, as it would come off as a blatant plug, so the best bet would be to include your subscribe email address in your resource box.Do not make them go to a website and subscribe, this will cut your lead percentage nearly in half. All your readers should have to do is send a blank email to your auto responder or mailing list email address and subscribe from there.

4) Subscribe to your free course

This is my favorite way to really maximize your articles. Why?

1. They give you their email address just like they are joining your newsletter
2. They are in the buying mood straight away
3. You get to give them a sales message at the end of your free 5-day course and it won't look like a blatant plug
4. You can offer them more free courses for years to come
5. Just do it!

With a free 5-day course, you are really getting to know your readers better and you are giving them the chance to read more information from you straight away. A free course is just really 5 or so articles put together with an auto responder and sent out over a period of days.

Just like with the mailing list, put your free course link (not a website address) in your resource box.

5) Refer your article to others

If you want your readers to refer your articles to other people, here is what you do.(This is a good idea if you have affiliate links in your article) You send them to a website, with a refer a friend script. This website also has your previous articles on there as well in an easy to use site.You do not need fancy graphics or flash animation, just make it easy to navigate. As I was saying, send them to a page with a refer a friend script on it, and once they do that, give them a free bonus, like the chance to sign up for a free 5 day course you are offering!

You see how many possibilities there are. By giving them something in return with value, like a free 5-day course, you get them to refer your article/website to their friends.

6) Contact you personally

If you want people to contact you personally, do not make them dig through a website to find your contact details. At the very least, put your email address in your resource box, if not your business phone number.

7) Do nothing

Do not be disheartened if a lot of people do not visit your website or take an action from your article, they could just be freebie seekers looking for free information and are not willing to take an action no matter how good your information is or would be.

The secret to article writing is volume. The more articles you have out there being passed around, the more traffic you will end up getting.

8) Flame you

There are some idiots, and yes they are idiots, who would rather send nasty emails to you instead of giving constructive criticism. If you are one of these people, find a better hobby, because it can really hurt a person's feelings. When I was first starting out, and I got some flames, they really hit me hard, but then I realized I was the one making money on the Internet and they were probably spending all day abusing people over the Internet.

Zaiful Zin was a beginner internet marketing from Malaysia. You can view his blog for more internet marketing tips and strategy to make money online at
Online Marketing

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Article marketing is one of the oldest forms of advertising that has been used even before the internet has been discovered. It was first used in newspapers where editors solicit free content from marketers in exchange of free advertising space. Due to its success, marketers have incorporated this technique in their internet marketing efforts.

Here are the 4 best ways to excel at article marketing:

1. Establish your expertise on your chosen niche by writing articles that are useful and relevant to your target market. Impart your knowledge to either help your potential clients resolve their pressing issues or increase their knowledge about the niche to which they belong to. If you can consistently provide your readers with content-rich articles, you can easily persuade them to trust you and follow your recommendations.

2. Drive quality traffic to your website by making your resource box powerful and enticing. To boost your conversation rate, communicate to your readers the benefits they can get once they accessed your website or offer incentives to make your call to action even more enticing.

3. Pull up your search engine ranking by obtaining more inbound links for your website. This can easily be done by writing and submitting more articles on publishing sites. Remember, each submission grants you at least one quality inbound link. So, the more articles you write, the higher your chances of ranking better on major search engines.

4. Increase your sales leads by writing about topics that can directly or indirectly promote your products and services. For instance, if you are selling sunglasses, you can write about celebrity sunglasses, where to find signature sunglasses, how to spot a genuine sunglasses, etc. By doing so, you will be able to attract the right kind of people who are most likely to consider the products that you offer.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

How do you choose the right keywords to create traffic? You can use words or brands that we would closely associate with the content which you are providing. However, make sure that you are not spamming in the title as Ebay will remove such listing which they deem as irrelevant as it interferes with their buyer's search. More importantly, place yourself in others shoes and think of the words that are most likely to be used by the person performing the search.

For example, if a person wants to search for a low priced air ticket, the keyword will be "cheap" as oppose to "affordable". Thus for practice or a brainstorming session, make a list of the keywords or phrases you think that customer would enter into a search engine or directory when searching for your company or site. You can also ask your friends and which words they would use to search for similar sites as yours.

One of my recommended website is This website will help you brainstorm different key phrases. You should also take note that people tend to use phrases as oppose to words when they are performing search online. Thus, target Phrases and not words. The optimal length is between two and four words.

After ascertaining the key words which you would like to use for your site, put it to the test. You can now try to see how many web sites match your keywords or phrases before and after you launch your web site. Obviously the few matches found the easier it will be to obtain high rankings. Hopefully, with that, your site can hit the first page of a search.

Other little pointers to take note include case sensitivity as well as bad spelling. This may work for or against you when people perform the search. Hopefully, by implementing these suggested search engine optimization (SEO) strategies, you will boost your traffic with higher rankings.

Perrine Oh is a young and budding writer who is pursuing her CPA and launching a book on wealth managment.

Check out her website on:

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Using the right article submission sites can make the difference between success and failure of your business. Particularly if you are like me and use article marketing for the bulk of your marketing efforts. In this case, it is probably the single most important factor in achieving success.

Using my website stat counter, I check my article statistics on a regular basis. I want to know which article submission sites are sending me traffic and which ones are not. After I add a new directory to my list, I check my statistics very thoroughly. If the new site is not sending me traffic after a month, I delete them from my list.

This is extremely important. Early in my article marketing career, I did not check my statistics. And, in a number of cases, I got little or no traffic from many of these sites. However, because I was not aware, I continued to submit to these non-performing article submission sites.

I was very fortunate that I began to check my stats when I did. Initially, I submitted to 150 article submission sites on a daily basis. As you can imagine, it was very time consuming, even though I was using submission software. After I began to check my statistics, I was able to delete 90 article submission sites from my daily list with no loss of business.

90 sites are an awful lot. What about the people who submitted to just 40 or 50 of those non-performing sites and no others? I suppose that those are the people who say that article marketing does not work. To ensure the success of your Internet business, make sure that you regularly check your site statistics. Make sure that you are getting traffic from your each of your article submission sites.

Do you want to learn more about how I make money? I have just completed a Free Internet marketing book entitled, How To Make Money Every Day!

Free ebook - Make Money Every Day

Great Article Submission Sites

Article Submission Software