Viral marketing is a methods of list building


There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

I read an article recently that stated the following:

"Landing pages are useful as motivators, as site directories, information sources and for many other valuable purposes. However, the development of an effective landing page takes careful thought and an understanding of what drives both humans and search engine spiders.

Generate increased site visitors and improve your conversion rate with a well-designed, well-written, well-placed and well-connected landing page on your site."

I have an issue with this statement. Did you know every page you publish may be a landing page?

Here is how . . .

Each page on your website is a different page; therefore, different content. If you optimize each page based on its relative content, then each page has different keywords. If you use WHITEHAT SEO techniques, like we do, it is very possible that a certain page may be highly ranked and enjoy top position on major Search engines.

This happened with our newsletter.

The work at Home Marketing Strategies 2007 newsletter enjoys a top position in all major Search engines for several reasons:

(1) it is published bi-monthly; thereby, creating changing content which Search Engines like,

(2) The information links within the newsletter are excellent,

(3) We publish our newsletter with Expert Ezine Authors who in turn submits our articles to SE's and provide us with an article archive for other pages on our site.

This creates perfect back links to our site.

How to be Successful

What separates successful sales people from everyone else?

I believe that most successful sales people, in virtually any industry, possess the following characteristic:

They are persistent. Selling, or running a business for a living requires a tremendous amount of persistence. Obstacles loom in front of us on a regular basis. But its what you do when faced with these barriers that will determine your level of success.

I believe it was Brian Tracy, ( Brian Tracy is Chairman and CEO of Brian Tracy International). Brian Tracy has consulted for more than 1000 companies and addressed audiences totaling more than 4,000,000. He once said that a person will face the most challenging obstacle just before they achieve their goal.

The most successful people, in any industry, have learned to face the obstacles that get in their way.

They look for new solutions. They NEVER give up. They are informed, trained, and enjoy meeting new people. That is why subscribers to our newsletter are successful.

How to create an effective "Tell-a-Friend" link.

It's fairly common for people to have a "tell a friend" link on their sites, but most are going about it the wrong way. Make a compelling tell-a-friend action simple.

First, create a link to it. Make it the main reason for the pages interesting and factual. Give them some great information and then ask them to tell friends. Next, change the way you are asking people to tell friends.

Do not just put it there on your site as a mild suggestion. Create a compelling reason for them to do so. It could be some type of freebie. Or ... It could be nothing at all.


Think about this for a while ... You are in a checkout line in a busy supermarket:

Example A - "Excuse me, I only have two items. May I check out first?"

Example B: - "Excuse me, I only have two items. May I check out first because I am in a rush."

It should surprise no one that over 60% of those asked in Example A said "yes" and over 90% of those in Example B said yes. In Example B, we have a more compelling reason. Example A is not very convincing at all.

Here is where it gets interesting ...

Example C: - "Excuse me, I only have two items. May I check out first because I have to finish dinner"

Over 90% of those asked in Example C said "yes."

" ... because I only have two items" is not a very compelling argument, but notice the response. The conclusion was, simply using the word "because" compelled those asked to comply.

Try using this same approach on your Tell-a-Friend statement and see what happens. A good test might be:

"Tell a friend about our newsletter because it's interesting" Or ... "Tell a friend about our newslettter because they will thank you for it." or better yet, "Tell a friend about our newsletter because it will save them TIME AND MONEY.

By the way, we have some great FREE ebooks downloadable from our newsletter page which will help drive your sales and increase profits. These ebooks are safe downloads, free of adware, spyware, or viruses. Be sure to tell a friend.


The Better Website Masters of eMail Marketing

Happy marketing your online friend, Opportunities Now Internet Marketing Services, LLC 5755 E. River Rd. Tucson, Arizona 85750

Viral marketing is a methods of list building


There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

SEO Elite is a extremely popular software product by Brad Callen, it is highly recommend by the biggest Internet Marketing gurus.

What Does SEO Elite Do For You & Your Website

Basically, SEO Elite is a tool, that help you to bring your website to the top of every search engine listings. This is done through a linking stand point. More backlinks you have, higher you will rank and more traffic your website will get.

Linking is very important for any website, because it's make your website rank higher in SE results. If you have targeted backlinks, they will help you a lot. Some people don't realize, how difficult it is to get as many backlinks as possible. It takes a lot of time and hard work.

This software does lots of things for you, including: Analyzing backlinks in all search engines, finding high PR websites for you to link with, analyzing allinanchor, allintitle or allintext, verifying your existing link partners, ranks your site, and shows which of you pages are already indexed in the search engines.

You can use SEO Elite features to help yourself and your website to improve. This software can show you who are your competitors and you can actually request a partnership with them. Also, SEO Elite provides a feature, which can scan your links and check which websites are still linking back to you. This is, seriously, a priceless feature.

If you have, let's say, over 100 backlinks on your website, it would take you more than a week to contact all your partners and check whether they are still linking back. Furthermore, as your site grows, some of your old backlinks might become useless for you. It can show PR of websites, which link back to you and you can decide whether you want to stay in partnership with them. This can help you to get rid off links, which doesn't give you any benefits.

You can use it to find real partners for you, who are in the same niche as you. You can customize your search as you like. Thousands of SEO Elite affiliates, use this feature to generate huge income every month.

Obviously, you have to be realistic. This software is amazing, but it can't help you to make a giant PR8 or PR9 website to link back to your website with very low PR. However, you can use this software to work with websites, who have similar rank as you.

SEO Elite is just excellent for analyzing and improving your website. It's even possible to find out, where your competitors are writing their articles, so you can write there as well. Using SEO Elite you can make your website rank higher in search engines, which means much more traffic and, of course, much more money.

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To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

As we all know, information is what attracts visitors. A friend of mine told me something interesting and I would like to share it with you: "Content, Vladimir, is the KING!"- Right you are, mate!

Reality, go and check! Type something in a search engine like Google, Yahoo, or whatever. Search on a specific topic. Search engines count on content when displaying results. Again... "Content is the King!".

That's why, the next thing you should do is to start thinking of the topic of your website when you want a new one. Let's concentrate on the topic, by asking you a simple question... "What's the main topic which BEST describes your website?"

Here's the John example: John is selling gardening tools. Well ...for John, the main topic of his website is "gardening". The reason I'm asking you to find a word which best describes your website is because search engines nead a reason to read the content, index it, and display it in their search results.

We'll try together to provide a good reason for each search engine, like John did. When people search for the "gardening" topic, they find John's website. Isn't that clever?

The content will directly relate to your topic. That's why the search engines will need a main keyword to show your website in search results. Let's give 'em a good reason to list your website on their first page of search results!

Our John, has chosen his main keyword: gardening. You should think of a good one, too, which best resembles your website's content. Let me give you an example...

Google declared last year that they had over 250-300 million searches per day. Well, don't believe them, other experts suspect the number is much higher.

If you come up with a good keyword for your website, you'll get a lot more visitors considering those big numbers from statistics. So, now you have the topic. John had one too - "gardening".

Let's say someone wants to find some articles about gardening. Because John was smart, he put some articles about gardening too. He wanted to share his knowledge with his visitors. It's a powerfull marketing strategy which attracts visitors. Now

John promotes his gardening tools inside his articles. But, in the same time, search engines consider that John's web site is about gardening, and because of those articles, they give more importance to this particular website and display it higher in search results.

The importance of your website for any search engine will increase if you put a little bit more information about your chosen topic.

Simply put, it's important to find a keyword which describes your business.I'll give you a bonus before the ending of this article... you'll thank me later.

Yahoo, a respectful search engine provides us a tool to see how many searches were made last month, here is the link:

By using this tool you can find a list with the number of searches during last month on a particular topic.

Google, the most "en-vogue" search engine these days, also has a unique keyword study and research tool, you can find it here:

This is a "real time" application which displays keyword suggestions and the number of web pages regarding the topic you're interested in.

Before closing: today's homework is thinking about few important keywords for your web site. When you're completely satisfied with your choices, write them down. It will be a lot easier to choose the best one from your list.

All the best...
Vladimir Ghetau

Vladimir Ghetau is applying his programming knowledge inside the internet marketing business. He is currently working and improving LinksBRO, which is currently used by hundreds of happy customers. If you want to give it a try, visit the home page of his link exchange script right now to see his offer.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building


There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Like most internet marketers, network marketers and online business owners you are always searching to find responsive sources of targeted lead generation and increased web site traffic, at least thats what I am constantly being asked about.

You have heard it all before, all the things you must do:

  • Target your market
  • Increase web site traffic
  • Entice responses to your opt in forms
  • Collect your leads contact information
  • Improve conversion rates
  • Build your lists
  • Monetize your lists

Your question is still - How do you do that effectively?

Start by learning how to deploy an article writing strategy to target your lead generation efforts by:

  1. Researching the categories in popular article directories, and select topics that are relevant to your target market for your article writing campaign
  2. Researching keyword phrases related to those topics, for example, if you Google "targeted lead generation" or "lead generation you will find the competition is 11, 300 for the former compared to 1,900,000 for the latter, hence you would use the phrase "targeted lead generation" to attract visitors interested in that segment of the broader lead generation market.
  3. Targeting your keyword phrases in your article writing, to improve your conversion rate of article readers to visit the "targeted lead generation" anchor text in the link of your articles "bio" or "resource box" leading them to your web site.
  4. Providing valuable content to help your readers answer their questions, or solve the problem is your primary purpose in article writing. By doing so you will establish yourself as a "go-to" resource in your target market, that your targeted leads will want to hear from, so they will be willing to give you their contact information, if you ask them in an appropriate manner.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new e-book, a guide to creating profits online successfully - "How to Breathe Life into Your On-Line Business"

- Download it here - Free: - Learn How Targeted Lead Generation Starts the Art of Creating Profits Online

Are you just getting started online, or trying to jump start your sagging profits online again? Discover How to Help Your Online Business with Targeted Lead Generation Here Now

Leo Hanes is full time internet marketer, writing and publishing over 100 articles and four books primarily focused on the core principles of creating profits online.

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

There are billions of marketers who are currently using article marketing as their primary marketing arm. With this number comes a stiff competition that every marketer must learn to deal with in order to survive online. In this article, I will impart the 4 new steps that will empower you to excel in this amazing marketing tool so you can take the lead and stand out from the rest.

1. Quality. This is the main element that will determine the success of your article marketing campaign. When you are able to write and distribute articles that are well-written, informative, and useful, people will most likely to pick them up and republish your content throughout the internet. This will boost the number of your inbound links that can lead to augment traffic and sales potential.

2. Quantity. There is never too much when it comes to article marketing. In fact, the more articles you write and publish, the more popular your website will get. Strive to write at least 7 articles per day which are enough to strengthen your online presence and expertise.

3. Titles. I missed a lot of good movies because they have lousy titles. My perception is, if the title is not that enticing, there is no way that the movie will be interesting. This is how most people think when they search for articles online. That is why, you must understand the importance of your titles and make them attention-grabbing so they can get more people to read and open you content.

4. Resource box. I have read a lot of good articles online but their great content wasn't enough to compel me to check the authors' website. Why? Because the authors did not take the time to make their resource box compelling. In fact, I have encountered some that has only the website's URL. No information about the author or why should I visit the website, so why should I?

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building


There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Many people who get started in article marketing or even Internet marketing in general try to market Internet marketing products. However, they themselves have not made a few decent sales online, let alone make a full-time income on the Internet.

Truth is, there are not many people out there who are interested in making money online as there are people who want to...

- Lose weight

- Get better in relationships

- Get happier

- Have less stress

- And lots more of other stuff!

And there are many more other niches. You'll also be competing with article marketers who are not so into Internet marketing like many of the readers of this article will be. Most of the writers in those niches submit a few articles for testing or merely for small branding purposes.

However (and that is a big however!), if you use them purely for out and out traffic generation to your websites, you can get almost all your articles in the 3-digit zone easily. Many of my articles in other niches reach a 100+ page views after just a week or so and many others hit 300 or more page views.

The simple fact is this: articles in other niches away from the 'make money online' niche or 'Internet marketing' niche generate far more page views, which means far more traffic to your website. You'll also get far less sophisticated competition who are no well-versed in Internet marketing tactics!

So make use of this information to start marketing in niche markets if you haven't. I'm not saying don't sell to the Internet marketing niche (please do so if you have a quality product!), but venture into other niches where it is potentially a lot more profitable.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before it's gone!

Viral marketing is a methods of list building


There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Article writing and marketing works when you do it right. Here are 5 mistakes to get out of the way so you can do it right.

Mistake #1 You Dont Submit Any Articles I know it sounds silly, but many people write their articles and never submit them. Either they do not get around to it, dont know how, or are afraid of getting rejected by the article directories.

Solution: Submit your articles! Make it a goal to submit your first article before your head hits the pillow tonight. While it is unlikely that you will get rejected, even if you do, most article directories will work with you to get you accepted.

Mistake #2 Boring Key Word Empty Titles The purpose of the title for your reader is to make the reader want to read your article. The purpose of the title for the search engines is to have key words in your titles that will get picked up by the search engines.

Solution: Design a title that pulls the reader in with benefits and uses key words in the first four words of the title.

Mistake #3 Academic Summaries If youre the purpose of your title is to pull the reader into your article, the purpose of your article summary to pull the reader even further in. Most people write an academic sounding summary such as This article is about blah, blah, blah.

Solution: Write an article summary that defines a problem that needs to be solved and then promise to solve it.

Mistake #4 An Un-Optimized Article Body I see it all the time someone writes what is perhaps a decent article but then places it in the body submission field as one big chuck of text. What is the problem with that? This makes it tough to read online and gives the impression that this will take a long time to get through.

Solution: Break your article body up with lists/bulleted points, sub-headings and block quotes.

Mistake #5 A Pointless Resource Box The point of your resource box is not to create an online ego wall like the wall in your office with all your diplomas and awards. The purpose of your resource box is to get the reader to click through to your web site and become a visitor, prospect or customer.

Solution: Give your reader a good reason to click through to your web site by letting them know there are more good tips on your web site like the ones they have just read. Include at least one complete link ( back to your web site.

Avoid these five mistakes and implement the solutions before you submit your articles.

To listen to an audio clip about these mistakes, recorded from a live teleseminar on Article Writing & Marketing, you are invited to visit

If you would like to banish writers block forever and write away, right away, then get yourself a copy of my 26 Article Writing Templates with Examples at

You can also subscribe to The Article Writing & Article Marketing Tips Newsletter delivered to your email inbox twice a month from Jeff Herring, The Article Guy.

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