Making Money with Your Blog!


A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

I am sure that if you have been using article marketing for some time you would have come across long articles and also short articles. You may be considering which of the two to use.

This is my primary method of traffic generation and I have experimented with both methods. What I have traditionally found is that long articles take up so much space that the reader actually does not see my resource box. In the end he does not end up clicking through to my website and subscribing to my newsletter. So in the end it is very ineffective to build a list.

You may be wondering what to do if you were to have a long 1000 word article. I suggest that in this case you break it up into three parts of approximately 300 words each. Say for example your title is How To Write A Killer Resource Box you would include Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 at the end of the title for each article.

In some cases there may be a use for very long articles. Usually this type will have a lot of expert information condensed. So if you would like to brand your name on the internet you can write one of these and submit them to popular magazines that publish reader's articles for maximum exposure.

However, if you are thinking of building a successful internet business you need to seriously look at building your list and getting loyal customers who buy over and over from you as this is the best way of building a stable business.

I suggest that you focus on 250 to 350 word articles to build your responsive list.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Online marketing starts with your website


Internet marketing allows you to reach a global audience. Internet marketing is marketing your business online. Online marketing starts with your website; make sure its attractive and easy to use. When they need information, modern-day consumers turn first to the Internet. All of your online marketing will make sure they will find

If you have got a new website which is indexed by all the search engines, you must be feeling pretty good about yourself right now. But have you ever thought, despite being regularly indexed why are you still on the last page of a keyword search. This is the worse scenario for your website and your business.

Dont feel dejected as there are numerous chances for you to optimize your website for search engines. On the Internet you can find many articles on, how to increase traffic to your website. Trust me in todays cut throat online competitive world, search engine optimization is well worth your time and won't cost you anything by following a set of basic steps:

A) Select a keyword and key phrase rich domain. This point is pretty self-explanatory as when you register your domain, devote take your time in finding the website name that can be used to your benefit.

B) Proper usage of targeted keywords and key phrases in headings and metatags. After designing your website the next task is content writing or SEO content writing. Make sure you write keyword rich content along with keyword rich headings and metatags. This will help you in getting your website indexed on a regular basis.

C) Get and generate maximum incoming links to your website. This can be easily done by exchanging links with other webmasters, websites, submitting to link directories, writing keyword rich articles, or the somewhat controversial buying links. Select those websites that carry similar or rich content.

You will be bombarded with unlimited theories but no one except Google knows for sure what the actual search engine algorithm is. The steps mentioned above, however, are a sure shot move in the right direction.

The author is dynamic web content writer and budding SEO. He has got the experience in writing quality content for various websites and getting them optimized too. You can view his website for more information.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building


There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Content-based marketing solutions like article marketing are dominating the online arena simply because they give online users what they truly need - information. As a result, these solutions are more effective in driving quality traffic to your website and positioning yourself as an expert on your chosen niche.

Here are the 6 incredible ways to improve your article marketing:

1. Insert your opinions in your articles. Unlike press release writing, you can actually speak your mind when writing your articles. As an expert on your chosen niche, people online would surely appreciate if you let them know your take on each of the issue that you write about. Since you are very knowledgeable on your chosen field, you are in the position to influence public opinion as long as you make sure that every information you share are factual. This is to avoid misleading your readers.

2. Power up your titles. This is one element that you should seriously consider as it can either make or break your article marketing campaign. When writing your titles, always ask yourself; will this instantly grab the attention of online users? Can it evoke action? It is intriguing?

3. Write a compelling article summary. Along with your titles, your article summary can also be one of your most effective tools in getting online users to open and read your articles. Give your readers the gist of your content and what they can expect to get from it so you can easily persuade them to invest their time on reading your copies.

4. Publish your articles. To boost the number of your backlinks, submit your articles to all leading directories and article submission sites. You may also publish them on your blog, website, or on forums.

5. Make your articles easy to understand. When writing articles for the web, you must understand that the audience you are serving comes from different culture and backgrounds. Some of them don't even use English as their primary language. To easily get your message across to as many online surfers as possible, use simple terms and short sentences. If you need to use highly technical terms, be sure to explain them in lay man's term before you use them on your content.

6. Use keywords. You need to make your articles search engine-friendly so they will be highly searchable online. This can easily be done by identifying the most popular keywords within your target niche and using them all throughout your content.

Do you want to learn more about how I use article marketing techniques, and list building methods to generate over $15,347 per month online?

Find out free here: How to Make 5 Figures Online.

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

I have been reading a blog post recently about how SEO can help your business.

Now to be honest the blog article is just surface noise in my opinion - it starts off well enough, sounding out that the creation of a site alone won't get you found in your niche. Then begins to wobble some when using an example of a website selling 'shoes' and stating that:

... when there are 558 million pages resulting from a search for shoes in the UK.

That's an illusionist talking. Making the competition sound more than it is. That figure is showing how many pages are indexed by Google containing the keyword 'shoes' within its body text. If you wanted a true sample of competing web pages that are within the 'shoes' market you need to be more specific with your search function in Google.

To simplify things good search engine optimisation is the process of having your search term, in this instance 'shoes', found in three main areas: the Title, the body text and within the anchor text of inbound links pointing to that page.

Now, once you understand this you can get a better assessment of competing pages that have been optimised for the search engines with the keyword 'shoes'.

Our search function looks like this : intitle:shoes; intext:shoes; inanchor:shoes

Now it returns 1,360,000 pages that have the keyword 'shoes' in the Title, in the body text and in the anchor text of inbound links pointing to the site. 1,360,000 pages is still a lot but compared against 558,000,000 in the original article we can start to see past the smoke and mirrors spiel.

If anyone is interested in using the above function but want to use it for 2, 3 or more keywords then wrap the double quotes around your keyword phrase as follows in this 2 keyword phrase example:

intitle:"blue shoes"; intext:"blue shoes"; inanchor:"blue shoes"

My take on SEO nowadays is that it reaches far beyond getting a site to rank for numerous keywords. Its more about conversion and return of investment. Being ranked number No.1 is not the be all and end all. Never mind the fare share of tyre kickers or time wasters that will frequent your site.

A quality SEO Company goes beyond just ranking, especially if your selling on-line.

Marketing an e-commerce site is a black hole in itself but there are some good guidelines that you should be following and also questioning your SEO company about. Here are just a few:

  • Data Feeds, easy to build, easy to submit, the good ones are optimised of course
  • PPC - never take your finger off the button when it comes to Pay Per Click advertising, just because your running SEO shouldn't mean that any PPC campaigns get binned - SEO & PPC together are extremely effective
  • Understand that people who buy on-line do research first, they may visit 5 - 10 sites including yours before they purchase - if your price driven then no matter if your prices are cheaper than everyone else - if your site looks cheap or unprofessional and doesn't build consumer confidence you still won't get a sale
  • Unique Selling Point - if you don't have one then get one - could be special offers, free delivery, returns policy etc ...
  • Allowing those that purchase to leave feedback against your products - also gives you unique content on your product page
  • Do not copy products descriptions from other sites - its just lazy and unprofessional will also get your page tagged as questionable for having duplicate content
  • Site navigation, probably just as important as your look and feel
  • Site statistics, so your SEO Company sends you though a monthly report on your keyword positions, big deal. How is that supposed to show how your site is performing? Where are the top exits points in the site is one I would be interested in straight away, just for starters ...

These are just a few guides and questions that you can throw back at your SEO Consultant / Expert next time you hear the "Shoe Competition" story on how SEO can help your business.

To be successful in selling on-line you need to make sure that every factor is covered or being looked at because if your not then your competition is just going to take your sales even if your in the No.1 position.

Think beyond rankings because if that's all your SEO Company has to offer then think about getting a new one.

Paul Steven writes for North South Media a Scottish based SEO Company that also offers Internet Marketing Services for e-commerce websites.

Making Money with Your Blog!


A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

A Lot of Search Engine Optimization and Search Engine Marketing Professionals are voicing their opinions and saying than directories are dead. But remember, these are the people that also say that Page Rank is dead, SEO is dead, and the latest this is dead theory. So is directory link building no longer worthy? well only the Search Engines can tell you for sure.

I believe the real issue with directory links is that only some of them are good and worthy, while some others are junk, being able to tell this difference is the key between loosing your time and having a fruitful link building campaign. How you can tell if a directory is good enough or that you should pass it. Here are the 3 main criteria of identifying a good directory from a bad one.

1) The director is listed in the Search Engines and most pages are being crawled.

You can find the directory in the most popular search engines, Google, Yahoo, MSN, and Ask. Also the category pages of the directory are cached on the search engines, if the directory offers detail pages, these should be indeed too.

2) The links are plain text, no redirects or javascript.

Check the source code of the pages of the directory. Look to see if the links are plain a href's, without the rel="nofollow" attribute, and no sneaky redirects are present. By validating all these you guarantee that these links are seeing and counted by Search Engines.

3) Doesn't link to bad neighborhoods.

The directory doesn't link to questionable websites, specially topics like gambling, casino adult, and illegal content websites. Be very wary about directory that offers sitewide likes to these type of sites.

Hopefully these guidelines will help you do more quality link building campaigns getting links from quality web directories.

The author of this articles is the webmaster of Offer and Deals web directory. A clean quality web directory with istings that provide 5 url/anchor combinations.

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