Online marketing starts with your website


Internet marketing allows you to reach a global audience. Internet marketing is marketing your business online. Online marketing starts with your website; make sure its attractive and easy to use. When they need information, modern-day consumers turn first to the Internet. All of your online marketing will make sure they will find

A site is a person's valued possession. An owner of any online business is known for his site. The owner feels relaxed and self satisfied if his site is popular among the internet buffs. If his site exists nowhere in the search engine, all his efforts to popularize the site ends in smoke. In this crowded world of internet, everybody wants his site to become famous. There are many websites that in spite of having good contents fail to reach the top. One of the prime reasons for the low popularity of those sites is lack of promotion. Promotion is a very important factor to lift up any site. One method of promoting a site is link building service. This service will help to lift up your site to a prestigious position. Once your site touches sky high, the owner feels job satisfaction and relaxed.

Link building service is capable of dragging innumerable traffic to a particular site. It is a method of linking your site to any other popular site. Once this popular site is visited by its regular visitor, he would find the link of your website. His inquisitive nature will definitely make him to click on that link and in this way your page will get displayed before him. And hence, your site gets a new visitor. To sustain any new visitor, it is very important that your site looks attractive in design and color. The content is a very important factor. If the content of your site is not information based and fails to satisfy his or queries then the visitor will not return to your site. To get your content picked up by any popular sites like Yahoo, Google, MSN, it is necessary to maintain the intensity of the keyword. The content writer should concentrate on keywords, meta tags, alt tags and some other related factors. Link building service is being adopted by many site owners.

There are many private firms that provide link building service to an online owner. A reputed company provides high quality links with maximum relevancy. Some company provides 24 hours online supports to increase link popularity for clients. The link building firms adopt various strategies that can lift up a site and gets higher search engine ranking. There are also many expert professionals available in the market that provides effective link service. A proper and well planed link building can only increase the visibility of the site. Before doing link building for any website, a company conducts a depth research and study to find potential links.

Proper implementation of the web building plan can definitely improve the position of your site in the search engine. Once your site ranks in the higher position, it will increase traffic and your site will become famous. Links are important elements that helps search engine in determining the level of popularity of any site on the web. A reputed firm and a well experienced professional can only provide a good and effective link building service. A site is an owner's identity. He fights tooth and nail to popularize his site and adopt link building to invite more visitors.

Steve Waganer has specialization in web marketing. He is expert in search engine optimization, link building service, search engine marketing firm, social media optimization. To get the SEO tips from,SEO firm for your website to get high rank and top position in major search engines visit

E-zine advertising is perhaps one of the most underused forms of promotion. It is a good idea to do your homework, before launching your viral marketing campaign. Article writing and publishing has become the latest buzz in the internet website marketing world. The name of the game as far as Internet marketing

Successful article marketing requires you to create a resource box that brings the reader back to your web site or blog.

The problem is many people make some common mistakes. So here is what not to do in your resource box and what a resource box is not.

A resource box is not

It is not a virtual ego wall - Many people treat it this way. They want to tell all about themselves and all about all their accomplishments. An ego wall is that thing in somebody's office where they have all their diplomas and their pictures of famous people.

A virtual ego wall is an ego wall online. People turn the resource box into a virtual ego wall, which leads then to our next point.

It is not all about you - When I teach resource box crafting, it has to pass the 'who cares' test. It's not all about you. It's about the reader and what other benefit they can get.

It is not something that you rush through - What a lot of people do is they go over to the article directories and they put in their keywords and they put in their title and their description and then they put in their article body, and they're down to the resource box and they're tired and they want out of there. So they just throw something together to get it done.

This is not something to rush through. If you do everything else in your article well - it's titled well, described well, written well, people are knowing you, liking you, trusting you, wanting more from you - and you blow the resource box, you've wasted your entire time because the resource box is how you get them back to your website.

So get this wrong, you've wasted your time. Get this right and you've got it made!

And now I would like to offer you free access to 2 of my Instant Article Templates when you subscribe to my free Article Marketing Minute, a 52 week audio/video newsletter on Article Marketing. You can get your instant access at

You can also catch a free audio from a teleseminar on "Resource Box Secrets" by going to

From Jeff Herring - The Internet Article Guy & the Great Article Marketing Network

Making Money with Your Blog!


A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Article writing can be a scary prospect for many and with good reason since many people do not understand how to write quality articles. However, getting past this fear is the first step in building not only your website traffic, but its ever valuable back links. Articles have long been known to many webmasters as a way to supply others not only with the valuable knowledge that they share, but also a way of generating traffic and higher rankings within the search engines. As many know the higher your website lists in the search engine rankings for specific keywords can have a direct impact on the popularity of a website.

It is for this reason that many webmasters long ago turned to writing articles to not only share their knowledge, but garner more natural links back to their sites through quality written content. In today's online market place it is simply not enough to place a few banners or text links on popular sites. While these are still effective to some degree, the majority of traffic that is being brought into most websites these days are provided by the high rankings in search engines and word of mouth.

Being viewed as an expert in a field is helpful and can be accomplished through well written articles. You will gain traffic to your site through these articles from people who are looking to learn more about the information you have all ready supplied them with. In addition you can gain valuable links to your site if the article becomes viral and spreads across the Internet to dozens, hundreds or even thousands of sites. The shear number of viewers that could see a well written article is staggering if it becomes popular.

So why do so many avoid writing short and informative articles? Most have to get over the fear of criticism from others on what their views are on particular and sensitive subjects. For some this fear is to overwhelming to overcome and they will continue to linger at the lower end of the search engine rankings, but for those few that grasp the concept they will eventually benefit from the rewards of their efforts.

Some will become successful by other means besides article writing. Their sites will naturally become popular by the word of mouth that propels them to the top of the Internet Bubble as has happened with some sites in the past few years. While others will use advertising campaigns to gain the recognition needed to succeed, but honestly most of us cannot afford to do this.

So where does that leave the average website operator? Looking for free and effective means with which to get their sites noticed by the Internet masses. Article writing is more than just simply writing one simple article it is an on going process that will ultimately help keep your website fresh in the minds of those very Internet users that you are so desperately trying to attract.

Kevin Grames is an editor and writer for ezinexpress Article Directory in addition to his technology and seo blog etechnoid tech news

Making Money with Your Blog!


A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

In online marketing, it is the concept of communications that is ever so vital to the destiny of any marketing campaign. Communications on the web are certainly the doors to better future traffic capture and increased sales revenue. There are numerous ways to make effective communications that will not only bring good results for the bottom line but also stay clear of unethical effects. One such way that stands out ostensibly is opt-in marketing.

For any online marketing campaign to succeed, it is imperative to increase your customers database by capturing their information especially their email addresses. This is because of the fact that if there are no email addresses of your potential customers to start with, your online marketing campaign will be heading for disastrous results. Without the email addresses, looking for customers will be equivalent to searching for the needle in a haystack.

In order to capture the email addresses, opt-in marketing requires the presence of an opt-in box that should be effectively planned and constructed. The opt-in box is in effect the door that will open to potential inflow of email addresses. It is also impliedly the potential pot of gold for your online marketing campaign. It should therefore be meaningfully designed with the ultimate object of getting the attention of prospects and next getting them to key in their email addresses.

In opt-in marketing, one significant point to note is that the prospect is given the right to choose or agree to be part of your marketing campaign. It is in effect similar to the concept of consensual marketing.There is the element of permission which must be granted at the outset. The prospect has this privilege of granting this permission for the release of the email address. Bearing this fact in mind, the prospect should best be rewarded with freebies such as a free newsletter or perhaps few chapters of a free ebook, just to name a few. This acts as a booster to the chances of securing that email address.

For the strategic purpose of capturing information of qualified prospects, the opt-in box should be effectively serving out this objective. It should comprise essentially of these components, namely, First Name, Primary Email Address, Button for "Sign me up now" or "Subscribe", and Privacy Policy. The First Name should be asked for the sake of identification. The Primary Email Address should be the email address to be obtained. There is always the possibility of the prospect having several email addresses, so it is wise to ask for the email address that is frequently used. The button serves to allow the prospect to sign up or subscribe to get the free newsletter or ebook. The Privacy Policy plays a vital role in assuring the prospect of complete privacy and non-disclosure of the email address given.

To complete an effective opt-in marketing strategy, the opt-in offer must be described in a title that is compelling and meeting the specific need of the prospect. The need may well be getting rid of the back pain completely or saving money on all purchases. Freebies should entice prospects to subscribe because these are the benefits that are hard to be refused. Provide ease of using the opt-in box for the prospect by putting it as part of the website.

With the capture of email addresses effectively completed, it is necessary to send follow-up emails to these customers via autoresponders. The autoresponses should be put to best use. Always encourage the new subscribers to read the free newsletter or ebook that they requested for. For best effect, you will have to bring to the subscribers' attention those benefits that the particular product or service can give them. In subsequent autoresponses, remind them of other benefits that will be of substantial help to them. Always reinforce the special advantages that your product or service will be giving them each time a new autoresponse is released.

Last but not least, opt-in marketing allows you to build the trust and relationship with the prospect and customer. It is to the benefit of online marketers once that trust and relationship are cemented. Customers painstakingly secured tend to stay longer in the customers database.

For latest updates on how to increase traffic, raise page ranking, write effective articles and powerful squeeze pages, create explosive blog marketing system, learn about viral marketing, and bring in massive income from your internet marketing business, please Click here

Webmaster: Jeremy Long Chia Teik.

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Whether you are an Internet marketing pro or an absolute newbie, You can dramatically increase the effectiveness of your Internet marketing with a concerted article marketing campaign. Here's why...

Article marketing is the most effective, FREE way to drive traffic to your website there is! is one of the most durable forms of Internet marketing available because articles are displayed online literally for years. It is a marketing strategy you can do once and reap the benefit literally for years to come.

In business, there is no more powerful position than to be considered an expert. When a person reads articles you have distributed and learns something from it you become an expert to that person. That's a strong incentive when it comes to buying from you.

One of the best parts of article marketing is you never pay for advertising-your article is your ad if you do it right. And if for some reason you don't feel capable of writing an article or do not have the time there is an abundance of copywriters eager and available on Craigslist or on the forums of Digital

Creating your article

Begin by deciding on your topic. Write about a part of your business that you are passionate about and can give specific solutions to a problem or aspect of. Be clear and concise and try to entice the reader to want find to out more about you and what you have to offer. Also, be a specialist and don't write in generalities.

Keyword research

Now that you have your topic the most important step is to do the necessary keyword research . keywords are the words and phrases that someone would type into a search engine to find information about your topic. This is an entire subject unto itself but bear in mind you want to work the main keywords you've uncovered into the body, subjects and especially the title lines of your article. Why is that? Because the first 3-5 words of your article title determine the success of how much traffic your article will generate back to your website.

So, creating keyword rich article titles that match the most commonly searched keywords for your topic is absolutely critical to effective internet marketing. Here are three keyword research sites to explore.

Compelling, clear and concise

Now, that we have our topic, keywords and title it's time to write the body. Articles should be between 300 and 700 words roughly and then have a four to five sentences at the end talking about why they should visit your website.

Strive to cover one complete concept. Something that stands on it own and is a valuable contribution to the reader. As the saying goes content is king. For example, Internet marketing, article marketing, and generate website traffic are three keywords I'm using in this article. It has to read natural though don't over do it. By the way ,consider if it's appropriate to use some controversy in your article to create interest. A little controversy may go a long way to generate website traffic and be entertaining.

And, remember your keywords. Those same keywords you used in the title should be sprinkled judiciously throughout the body of the article .I suggest you keep a list of them in front of you as you as you write. Wrap up the body of your article leaving the reader with a desire to know more of what you have to say. Entice them.

The authors response box or byline.

The last part of the article is the all important authors box or byline. Never write an article without one. This is where you sell yourself and your site. It should contain the following: Your name and optional title. Your website URL (preferably in a clickable link) and a call to action. In other words "ask for the sale".

It's often an effective Internet marketing strategy to offer them a free gift such as a newsletter or audio course etc. as a "bribe" to visit your site.

Ideally you want to send prospects through an opt-in page which you can track through a tracking link and auto responder. This way you can stay in touch with people to build trust and further demonstrate the value of the services and products you offer.

You now have a compelling keyword rich article that gives valuable content to your reader and represents you for the expert you are in your chosen field. That's It. Well, not quite. It's now time to submit your article.

Submitting your article

The greatest article in the world is meaningless if it's never read. You could of course submit it yourself, however a much faster ,more effective way is to submit it through one or more of the available article submission sites. They will have your articles in front of thousands even hundreds of thousands of people a lot faster than you could do it yourself. One word of caution though ,search engines do not want duplicate content all over the web. So , you'll want to vary your article each time you submit it to different submission sites. A different title, vary the content etc. and one article can become many. Three great sites to investigate are and


It's a fact, marketing with informational articles is the most powerful free method of marketing online today. Articles work for anyone no matter where they are in their Internet marketing journey. Article marketing works for beginners and for top marketers as .It will work for you as well.

Peter Milazzo has been involved with sales and marketing for over 25 years. He was the top sales person for a major U.S. corporation for many years and is now a successful entrepreneur.If you would like to discover hundreds of proven money making strategies for your Internet business go to

Viral marketing is a methods of list building


There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Article marketing continues to be one of the most effective ways to drive targeted traffic to your landing page of choice. Of all the things people can read on the Internet, if someone chooses your article, and then makes a second choice to click on your link to learn more, they are about the best you can hope for when it comes to finding targeted traffic.

Now if you take this effect and you can multiply it, you will receive compounded returns on your investment. This happens when your articles are copied and used on other sites, or are published in ezines. This is sometimes referred to as the viral effect. This is one of the things that you hope will happen to your articles when you publish them on article directories.

There are two things you may want to consider when trying to achieve this desired effect. One: does what you're distributing really have significant value to a large group of people? If the answer is no, you are not going to see the results that some of the legends of the Internet have achieved using this method. An example might be Mozilla Firefox or Netscape.

The second thing you have to consider as it relates specifically to article marketing is: do your articles meet some of the minimum specifications that are usually required by publishers that reuse articles? Let's use this article as an example. This article is good for distribution to article directories, and will be used by a few people, but it simply is not a good candid for getting picked up by ezine publishers.

When an ezine publisher is looking for a feature article, one of the things they are looking for is something that is very well written with some significant substantive information. If it is well written with little or no fluff or hype, they would like this to be between 800 and 1500 words long. That means, even if this article was written perfectly, which I don't expect it is, it will not even be considered by most major ezine publishers.

What you should learn from this is that a significant viral reaction to your work is not going to happen by accident. I admit it is very hard to predict when it will. But, I can assure you that if certain minimum requirements aren't met, you can be sure you are not even in the running. This all relates to knowing what your goal for this particular article is before you write it.

What if Dan Iverson could show you how to write about any topic on earth and make money? He'll teach you how to better understand human nature as it relates to e-commerce; how people, from their perspective, come to make a purchase on the Internet. I am talking about learning how you can pick a topic of interest, write about it, and with the right tools and a little research find connections between your readers and real products and services, of which you can become an affiliate and make money. Here is the best part. I will teach you all of this absolutely free. That's right, click on this link and you'll get the full Affiliate Masters Course Free. This is no joke, I promise once you start to read this course, you will see and learn the logical system of affiliate and information marketing. It will open your eyes to the greatest and most versatile opportunity in known history: the Internet. Even if you have a website, you can use these techniques.

Making Money with Your Blog!


A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Article marketing is a great way to build an internet business. One of the things I really like about article marketing is the more articles that you write and post on the article directories, the more traffic, prospects, publicity and profits come your way.

Article marketing is a numbers game - the higher your article numbers, the higher the rest of your numbers (traffice, prospects, subscribers, customers) will be.

Life begins around 100 articles

Now don't panic. One hundred articles sounds like an unreachable goal if you are just starting out, but it is achievable. I have one student/mentee that is going for 100 articles in 100 days.

Once you get to that level, and sometimes even before, you begin to experience the benefits of something I have come to call "The John Grisham Effect."

You know what it is like - you read a novel by an author you have never read before. You really like the book. So you want to read more by the same author. You go looking for what else that author has written. Sometimes you wind up reading everything that author has written.

It is the same as you begin to get more and more articles on the article directories. Someone finds and uses your article, and they have found your article to be very useful. So then the reader wants to know if you have written anything else. Then your new prospect is excited because they have found more information by you.

Pretty soon you have a loyal reader, subscriber, fan and maybe even customer. All from writing and marketing good quality articles.

Would you like free access to two of my Article Writing Templates? You can download them by going to

Would you like to get in on our free weekly Article Guy TeleSeminars? Visit to get started today!

From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Numerous webmasters have unleashed the power of article marketing not only in generating enormous traffic to their site but also bringing in targeted, interested visitors for increased profit. If you have been using this technique but haven't gotten its maximum benefits yet, you might be doing something wrong or you might be missing killer secrets. In this article, I will present the latest profitable steps that can help you grow your article marketing to improve your search engine ranking.

a. Provide useful information. The only reason why online users will pay attention to your articles is because they would like to get valuable information. So, in writing your articles be sure that you offer new information that hasn't been or are rarely discussed. It would also help if your contents are timely, relevant to your target market, and above all, useful.

b. Keep your articles short, simple, and easy to understand. Remember, your main objective in writing articles is to showcase your expertise so your potential clients will trust you. If you are using complicated words and never-ending sentences and paragraphs, chances are, you will not succeed in getting your message across. If you want your articles to be read, you have to make sure that they are short, concise, and easy on the eyes.

c. Make your titles work for you. Give you readers a reason to read your articles. How? By simply communicating with them the benefits they can get through your titles.

d. Pick the best article directories. There are hundreds of article directories online but few have huge, steady traffic. Focus your efforts on these article submission sites (which includes ezinearticles and goarticles) to give your articles the maximum exposure.

e. Hire some help. Marketing your articles is serious business. It can be tedious and time-consuming. It would help if you can get someone to write or submit your articles for you on a regular basis. Just make sure that the people who will help you are knowledgeable and reliable.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Getting Links to Your Blog


The nature of the search engines is that they tend to favour websites with many incoming links. This suggests to the search engines that people like those pages. It is like having many people voting for your site. Therefore the more people vote for your site the better rankings you will have. It is true many other things affect rankings as well, but links are undeniably important at least at the present stage of the internet.

These are various suggestions for getting more links to your site.

1. Good Quality Content. It may seem a bit obvious but if you want people to link to your site. They need to have a reason. In the early days some SEO experts would try all kinds of techniques to get links whilst ignoring the most important aspect of a website its actual content. Successful websites will be those who concentrate mostly on developing good content. This involves.

i) Attractive and easy to follow design.

ii) Good interesting easy to read articles.

iii) Focused on the needs of the average internet user. Make it easy to read and navigate.

If you focus on good quality content overtime people will link to you without you having to do anything. This is by far the best kind of links because they are natural. The search engines particularly Google are good at spotting this. However in the beginning it is worth giving your website a bit of a self promotion, otherwise you may have to wait for a very long time, especially for competitive keywords.

2. Write to other webmasters and comment on their blogs. If you write to a webmaster and say please give us a link. It will mostly likely be ignored. But if another website is very good on your topic, then writing positive comments about these resources will help.

3. Link to good blogs and websites. Often webmasters check inbound links. If you link to a website they become aware of your site and may return the compliment. However you shouldnt just link and write comments in the hope of getting links. Comments should be genuine, links should be because it is a useful resource. To do it just in the expectation of links will not help.

4. Reciprocal links. There was a time when reciprocal linking was all the rage. Some websites had more links pages than content. Search engines became wise to this and started discounting this kind of links. However reciprocal links can still be of some benefit especially if they are on a related theme. Successful websites concentrate on a certain niche. Having links to and from related websites is generally liked by the search engines. However if you get a reciprocal linking request from the best online gaming resource you can be pretty sure it wont help your website on the poetry of John Keats.

5. External linking. The initial idea of the internet was base on the university model of citations. If you write an article and have relevant external links to relevant authorities then you Google and other websites will see this as a useful tool for users and therefore improve the ranking of your sites.

6. Allow people to copy your article on the condition they give a link back to your page. People are always looking for good quality content. If people duplicate your content you will not be penalised as long as google know you are the original source. If people copy content without linking to your site. It is worth writing to them to ask that they do so. The success of Wikipedia on search engines is partly because people often copy the page, and then add the required link back to Wikipedia. The article is duplicated many times but Wikipedia get the benefit.

7. From these suggestions it is clear that writing unique content is going to help in the long term. If you dont consider yourself a writer you may be surprised that actually with a bit of practise you can get better. But you need to make sure the website is based on a subject of your expertise and interest. Websites on mortgage refinancing may offer highly paid ads, but you have to ask yourself. - Would I be able to write a good article on the relative merits of Semi fixed mortgage rates giving monetary instability in the global economy.

At the end of the day you can always just forget all about Search engines and create a website that you think is useful and interesting. If you think your website is good then maybe others will think the same and start to link to you. Some of the top ranking websites were built without much consideration for search engines but got links despite (or even because) of this.

Richard is a member of the Sri Chinmoy Centre in Oxford. He teaches economics and also finds time to write a couple of blogs More SEO suggestions

Richard's Blog:

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Viral marketing is a methods of list building


There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

One of the things I hear from many new article writers is that they are not getting very many visitors to their website(s) or blog(s). Sometimes they are so discouraged they are thinking about giving up.

When this is happening, there are several things that need to be checked in order to identify the problem. Here are some of the questions to ask:

Does the article have a compelling title that pulls the reader into the article?

Does the article read well and give good information?

Is the article structured in such a way as the reader can flow through the article to the resource box?

Does the resource box have a compelling offer that makes it a no-brainer for the reader to click through to your web site or blog?

These are all questions to ask to help you identify where the problem may be. If all of these factors are working well and together, you can then rule them out.

The only remaining problem is the most common problem of brand new article writers and marketers - not enough articles. This is a numbers game. The higher your article volume, the higher all your other numbers are going to be.

So the solution to not having enough articles is to write more articles. Don't be like those people that write just a few articles and then say (or whine) "article marketing doesn't work." Article marketing works great, it's those whiners that do not work.

Keep a working list of article ideas. When you think of a good idea, write it down. When it is time to write an article, go to your idea list and grab one. Work up to where you are writing an article a day on average.

And now I would like to offer you free access to two of my Article Writing Templates so you can write more articles in less time than you ever thought possible. You can download them by going to

Would you like to get in on our free weekly Article Guy TeleSeminars? Visit to get started today!

From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy &

Making Money with Your Blog!


A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

I am on a lot of mailing lists, and like to keep track of what's happening in the Internet Marketing scene, so I am pretty in tune with what is going on.

The older more experienced Marketers are teaching new people the business with their special Coaching and Mentoring Programs.

And then as part of their Coaching service they will help these new marketers break into the business, by promoting them to their list. Now there is nothing wrong with this, and it is actually a great thing. This is how some most all the great marketers get started.

Problem is, that it seems like everyday there are more and more people who graduate from these Coaching Programs are getting into the business and want to start giving their Marketing Advice.

And one thing that I can tell you is this, in the Internet Marketing world there is an incredible amount of different information floating around, and it can be overwhelming sometimes. This is what's called Information Overload. And this is not uncommon, and it happens to everyone.

Another problem is that you don't always know if the information you are getting is credible or not. Is this just something that someone has learned from someone else, and is now passing themselves off as an expert? Or is this coming from someone that has really done it.

This is why it is essential that you know the person that you are receiving the information from.

A good marketer is always looking to learn new things, and looking for someone to learn from. If you find just one golden nugget of information it can make you a fortune in your business.

That's why it is critical that when you are looking to learn from someone, look for a person who is out there actively Marketing, someone who is actually in the trenches doing it on a daily basis.

If they are just someone who is learning like you are, then they are definitely not the best person that you want to learn from.

Look for someone who has been in the business for a while and has a good track record of success.

This person can become your Mentor. When you find someone that you look up to and want to be like, then just look at what they are doing and copy them.

This is the easiest way to be successful in your business, Model Success. If it's working for them, then it can work for you too.

This is a Secret to Internet Marketing Excellence!

Steve Renner has been marketing online since 1998. He is the Director of Training and Marketing for The Affiliate Community, an Online Training and Resource Site for Affiliate Marketers of all Levels. He is a pioneer in the development of Hybrid Marketing and is an Expert in Internet Marketing and Affiliate Marketing. Get over $1,000 in Training and Resources FREE!

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Offering free content on yours or others business Web site is a crucial part of Internet marketing. In fact, thats how Internet marketing got started, which is why everyone wants and expects something for nothing on the World Wide Web. Theyve always been getting it.

The public has come to expect Internet information to be free, and those most-often searched keywords are what will take consumers to your Web site. Once youve determined the most visited keywords in your industry, youll want to write or find articles that incorporate them.

If youre not a good writer, or you dont have the time it takes to write articles, you can use the articles of others. You can offer local writers or industry experts to contribute articles in return for their bio which gives their own site and business credibility, branding and traffic. Or you can buy articles from people you dont know. One way of doing this is through an article membership site. Here youll find articles on just about any subject, with new ones added all the time.

There are many sites that offer articles and memberships to help your Internet marketing. The catch, however, is that each invariably limits its membership ranks so that the Internet marketing articles dont get published too often. You may have to do some searching, or some waiting, to get a membership in the Internet marketing article membership site of your choice.

Once you are a member and you find the articles you want to publish your Internet marketing work is not done, however, You have to do some rewriting, making it not only fresh and unique to your site, but also giving it a little tweak so it talks directly about your industry, and, if possible, about your products or services.

You may find an article or articles that particular fit your Web site and your business but the keywords you need arent found that densely in the article. So youll need to do that. Thats fairly easy to do, and far easier than sitting down and writing your own article.

Never take an article from an article membership site and publish it verbatim. This is destructive to your Internet marketing concept. You want to make it yours your voice, your personality and your products. You might even find a lengthy article that you could use as a tease, publishing the first part and then offering the conclusion next week. You might also publish a newsletter a great Internet marketing tool. You start the article in the newsletter and refer readers to your site for the conclusion.

Whatever you do, make it yours. Your Internet marketing will succeed as a result.

Leonard Bartholomew, B.S. Computer Science. Leonard invites you to submit your articles to Moxie-Drive Expressions, the most exclusive, hand edited internet marketing article directory on the web today. Or just visit and enjoy a good read!

Making Money with Your Blog!


A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Usually when you set up a website you want the best possible linking for it. Normally you don't have the luxury of being able to experiment, to compare what would happen if you tried something different. If you do try something different how can you see what the changes will be and are you willing to risk reducing its popularity?

For this reason I set up a some test blogs a couple of months ago. I was looking to see if the target="_blank" tag within the link had any effect. So for the first blog I linked to it from a few sites without the target command. For the second I used the target command and linked to it from exactly the same pages.

Then I started posting. For the first couple of weeks I thought that there weren't any differences. Maybe even at times the second site showed some advantages. I almost gave up and was about to use the blogs to test for something else. But after about a month there were big differences.

The first site is cached weekly. The second has less posts cached and only a few of the posts are cahced in any one week - some haven't been cached for 4 weeks or more.

So if the second blog isn't been cached as often, and apparently just because the link includes target="_blank", what does this mean?

For a start, it means that search engines aren't picking up changes as well. They therefore are showing less interest in the site. Less interest means less popularity. Just because of a small piece of code, a piece of code that seems completely harmless, Google would appear to be far less interested in the site than in a very similar site in which the link would open in the main window.

So does this affect you? Take a look at how many of your recent link exchanges use this 'harmless' piece of code. I would expect that most of your links out do.

To be honest, why do we open links in a new window? If someone is browsing our link exchanges and wants to visit a site they can easily decide to open the link in a new window. It's a sign of a lack of faith in the site we are linking to. And maybe this is something the search engines have picked up on.

So let's stop including target="_blank" when it's not needed. It could help improve our search engine rankings. My sites certainly seems to be more popular when links in don't include it.

Keith Lunt runs several successful internet marketing sites. You can contact him through or read his daily blog to follow the latest experiments.

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