Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories


To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Article marketing is the way I have built almost all of my highly responsive lists.

You've heard or seen me talk about this. You can take a 1,000-word article and break it down into two 500-word articles or 3 350-word articles and it's more lines in the water, it's more ways for people to find you.

Now think about this specifically for list building. If your article is too long and you lose the reader, they will never make it down to your resource box, where they can accept your offer of a slice of your expertise in exchange for their email address. Long articles tend to lose the reader before they ever get to your resource box. Short articles allow the reader to flow through your article right into your resource box so they can click through to your web site or blog.

So if your article is too long, they're never going to see your resource box in the first place.

What to do instead: Keep your articles short. Somewhere between 300-500 words is the very best. If you are just starting out it might be a challenge at first to provide great info in just 300-500 words. It's really a mix of skill, art, and experience.

It's more of a challenge to write shorter articles with good content than it is to write longer articles. In a longer article you can just do a brain and heart dump on the topic. In a shorter article you have to laser your focus on your topic to give the best information.

The best way to get there is to write lots of articles.

And now I would like to offer you free access to two of my Instant Article Writing Templates so you can write more articles in less time than you ever thought possible. You can download them by going to

From Jeff Herring - The Internet Article Guy

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Many online article authors wish to become a perceived authority in a subject in order to promote an online business. Thus they write articles that will attract a specific niche of reader, who hopefully will then come to their website and buy something or sign up services. Becoming an authority in your market niche is important, but becoming a perceived authority is a little problematic because either you are an authority or you are not.

It is my contention that there are simply too many posers online, folks who have never really done anything, but can put finger to keyboard and bang out articles. Whereas they may be perceived as an authority, are they really? Do they really know their stuff? The reader may perceive them to be an authority due to a few articles, but the only way to know for sure is to corner them and ask them a question about the subject and see if they truly know what they are talking about.

Since generally this cannot be done, an online article author can often be perceived as an authority, when they are really not at all. Does this mean their article is valueless? No, not necessarily, the article may very well contain important facts that are not easily found elsewhere. It could indeed be extremely timely information and information that the readers are very happy to acquire. Still this does not one an authority, only a perceived authority you see. Are you comfortable being only a perceived authority or do you want to be the real deal?

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington

Making Money with Your Blog!


A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Look at links as online votes for your website. The more votes you get, the more popular your website is viewed by search engines and you enjoy higher rankings.

Each of those votes can have different ranks. If you get linked to from a very popular site more of that strength is passed on to your site. Just like running for office in the real world. Getting that backing from a labor union is much more valuable than getting your next door neighbors vote.

So how do you get these links? There are several different ways and many different search engine gurus that will give you their particular spin on it. I say make it simple. Get the links you want by asking for them.

Sending out a couple hundred thousand emails asking for a link would not only be considered spam. It would also be ignored by the webmasters that received the email.

A more effective way of getting links to your website is through directories. Quality directories categorize and review websites for a small fee. Then after a successful review the directory will list your website with a link. This is perhaps the easiest and quickest way to get links to your website. These are the popular places to request links.

A secondary way to get inbound links is by authoring articles and submitting them to online websites that publish articles. If the article is good and gets accepted you can get a link back to your website within the resource box.

Something that you should remember when building links is many bad links dont equal one good link. Remember that links dont carry the same weight as we previously discussed.

Link building is also a very hands-on process. It takes time and is never truly complete. As long as you have a website that you want to remain popular, you will need to be working on building links to your site.

Consider these tips a starting point for a good link building campaign. There are some other methods, but the ones listed are highly effective and where most focus.

The path to an web presence for your website begins at The Authority Directory Submissions page. Take a minute to look at The Authority Shopping Directory and any other sections of interest.

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Keyword Elite Is Keyword Elite The Best Keyword Research Tool On The Market?

I purchased Brad Callens keyword research software, Keyword Elite in 2006. Previously Id bought his other software package SEO Elite and was really pleased with it, so I decided to buy Keyword Elite as well, at $176 it was not a quick decision to make.Keyword Elite does what is says on the box, it returns as many as 10,000 related keywords for any single keyword or keyword phrase you search on, and it returns them pretty quickly. It really is a great keyword research tool.

The software is quick to learn and easy to use, and within minutes of downloading it I was running keyword searches. My biggest problem, was what to do with the Keyword lists I was producing? 10,000 keywords are great, but what use are they?

I decided to revisit the Keyword Elite tutorial videos. It was at this point that I really started to grasp the power of Keyword Elite. In particular, Keyword Elite Project 2 takes the Keyword Lists you've created and returns some incredible data from Google. For example:

  • For each Keyword Phrase, Project 2 will tell you how many searches are made each month and how many sites are competing for the keyword phrase
  • For each Keyword Phrase, Project 2 will also show you what the Top 3 Adwords Advertisers are paying for the top positions in the sponsored searches
In answer to the question above I can quite simply say that Keyword Elite is definitely worth the $176 purchase price, providing you know how to interpret the awesome data provided by Project 2 in particular, and Project 5 which allows you to monitor competitors Adwords campaigns. But I stress you must be able to decipher the information and then take action. Once I grasped the power of Keyword Elite I recouped the purchase price back in just a few days, and now thanks to Keyword Elite Im earning in excess of $3,000 per month and growing.

The Keyword Elite keyword data is priceless for the development of profitable Adsense sites, for finding keywords for PPC campaigns and for promoting affiliate products.

So in summary I absolutely, totally recommend Keyword Elite to anyone, whether youre relatively new to internet marketing as I am, or an experienced online marketer, I never thought I would make so much money so quickly. So much so that I've written my own 70 page Free Keyword Elite guide which details exactly how I've used Keyword Elite to make money online. It details the following strategies:

- How To Identify Profitable Niches and Products Using Keyword Elite

- Instantly Identify Google Arbitrage Opportunities And Start Paying For Keyword Elite Within Minutes

- Learn Quickly How To Find Uncompetitive Keywords That Will Bring Free Search Engine Traffic To Your Sites

- Learn How To Use Keyword Elite To Find Profitable Affiliate Products That You Can Start Earning From In Just 7 Days

- Learn My Secret Method For Identifying 100's Of Affiliate Products That You Can Promote Today Without A Web Site

Keyword Elite is a Monster keyword research tool, it is the best keyword software on the market if you know how to use the data it provides. Don't waste the time I did when I first purchased it. Read my proven methods and strategies in my Keyword Elite free guide that's available here.

Richard Taylor has gone from nothing to earning several thousands of dollars online each month ... his goal is to regularly earn $500 per day by the end of 2007, you can watch his progress at, where you'll also find reviews on all the SEO tools he's bought and used during his 365 day challenge ...

Making Money with Your Blog!


A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

One of the cornerstones of successful email marketing is the ability to pull in a constant flow of leads into your online business. You constantly need fresh leads to replace the leads which unsubscribe. In other words, your "attrition rate" should be low. So how do you feed your autoresponder with fresh leads day in day out?

The secret is in persistent advertising. But you probably knew that already right? So why you are not getting the leads you are supposed to?

You NEED to constantly be putting your website out there in front of people!

You must spend time each day doing some promotional activities which will increase your lead subscription rate. You must set a goal of the average number of subscribers you want pumped into your autoresponder account each day. And strive to reach that goal.

Here's some highly effective methods to build a monster list real quickly:

1. Forum posting

"Advertising" your site at forums is one way to get tons of targeted subscribers. But you must build a little bit of a reputation first before you can expect to build a huge list from forums. Go to your signature file and write up an attractive signature with your website link in it. Then post on forums. Get yourself to be known as an authority on the subject.

2. Pay per click advertising

This is one of the quickest ways to build a money-pumping list. It's advisable to start out small in pay per click advertising. Use 3 of the best PPC engines for maximum results: Google Adwords, Yahoo and MSN.

3. Classified ads

Tiny little classified ads are one of the most effective methods of advertising your website on the Internet. There are a few classified ads sites which allow you to get started getting your site in front of thousands quickly, including Craigslist, US Free Ads, Yahoo Classifieds and MySpace Classifieds.

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Viral marketing is a methods of list building


There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

The resource box in an article, which is located at the end, is your place to insert a link to your site. If you can create an effective, content-rich article, which maintains the readers interest you can gain loads of traffic due to a single article. This may all sound too good to be true, but look at it this way. Nothing is free in this world, right? The cost is time, your time in developing articles. The cost to the site owner is placing a direct-link to your site. Everyone gets something in return, you get traffic, and the site-owner gets good content to place on his or her site.

More Targeted Visitors

Articles provide content. Content is valuable and if it is presented correctly, the article will draw in members of your target market. Since articles are placed on their corresponding sites according to topic, those who read your articles are already on a site of interest to them. This not only provides you with a way to reach your target market, but also allows you to benefit from other site owners rankings. The visitors originating through this approach will be members of your target market and; therefore, be much more likely to purchase your products than the average visitor.

More Inbound Links

Your articles all carry a link to your site and every time one of your articles is placed on a site for content, another link to your site is generated. This means that you can gain direct links without having to beg for them from sites with higher rankings than your site. Additionally, you do not have to link back to the site which is placing your article on their pages.

Higher Page Rank and Search Results

Links from sites relevant to yours are considered highly relevant by Google. Having more relevant links increases your page rank. Not only that, but the links you gain by writing articles originate from sites with higher popularity in most cases. When this happens, their page rank can influence yours to increase. Page rank is a large factor when it comes to Googles ranking of your sites pages in their search results. Page Rank is not the only deciding factor, but it is definitely considered one of the primary criteria.

Become Recognized as an Expert

Credibility is key when it comes to making sales. You have to earn their trust, and what better of a way to do so than to solve some of their problems for free in an article. If you can accomplish this in your articles, then visitors will undoubtedly follow your resource boxs link. By demonstrating your expertise and knowledge, youll gain their trust and become an expert in their eyes.

Higher Conversion Rates

Since you are helping out your readers in your articles in order to gain their attention and interest, they are already interested in what your site is about before they even get there. Youve already warmed them up for a purchase before they even see your products and these visitors are much more likely to make a purchase than a visitor originating from a pay-per-click ad or a basic link. Use their interest in your site to make a call-to-action towards subscribing to your newsletter or making a purchase.

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To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Do you know how to write a really bad resource box for your articles? Well you will after reading and using this article.

Bad resource box tips

As an article writing and marketing coach I've seen some pretty bad resource boxes. Here are a few tips so you too can write a really bad resource box.

Tip 1 -- no resource box -- believe it or not I've seen people leave the resource box blank. Nothing. Nada. Zip.

Solution -- at least get something in there.

Tip 2 -- your virtual ego wall -- write down every accomplishment you've ever made. List your degrees, books written, and how much your parents really like you.

Solution -- the resource box is not about you. A great resource box is all about the reader and what's in it for them.

Tip 3 -- convince the reader you are an expert -- talk about all your years experience and how you are in the expert in this area.

Solution -- if you have not convinced the reader that you are an expert in your article, it's way too late to do it now. Again, resource box is not about you it's about your reader.

Tip 4 -- do not ask the reader to do anything. I fail to take someone who has just read information from you and invite them to do anything else at all.

Solution -- create compelling call to action that takes the reader by the hand and not only asks them shows them what to do next.

Tip 5 -- do not include any active links back to your website or blog. Treat the reader like someone watching the final episode of the Sopranos and just leave them hanging.

Solution -- include at least one active link back to your website or blog so the reader can engage you further.

Follow these tips and you too can create bad resource box is when writing your articles.

Thanks for playing with me in this article. Would you like free access to two of my Article Writing Templates? You can download them by going to

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From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy

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