Just what are the Benefits of Submitting Articles to E-Zines


E-zine advertising is perhaps one of the most underused forms of promotion. It is a good idea to do your homework, before launching your viral marketing campaign. Article writing and publishing has become the latest buzz in the internet website marketing world. The name of the game as far as Internet marketing

These steps will allow you to beat a competitor who is in the number one position in Google for a certain keyword. However you still need to find keywords that does not have too many competition if you do not have someone to help you doing optimization.

Step One

Type in the keyword you want to rank for the Google. Now copy the page that is number one. Not just the domain name but the full url of the page. Using the search engine Yahoo type in: link: pageurl

For example: link: www.alexa.com

We want to know how many sites point to that particular page. We use Yahoo cause Google does not list all the pages.

Now the objective is to get more links than your competitor has. The results will show you all the sites and pages that link to your competitor.

Step Two

This will take some time if you do not use some software or hire someone to help you. What you need to do is visit each site in the search results and check out where the link to your competitor is located. You then need to take not of the anchor text they are using. You may want to use Microsoft Excel to put down this information.

Finally when you check all sites you will have a list of all the anchor texts your competitor is using. Your objective is to get links using the same anchor text your competitor used. You need also notice how many times they use a particular keyword in the anchor text so you do similar to what they do but slightly better.

Let's say for example they have thirty backlinks using the anchor text keyword one and twenty backlinks with anchor text keyword two. Your objective is to get more than thirty backlinks with anchor text keyword one and more than twenty backlinks with anchor text keyword two.

You contact the same websites that link to your competitor and get links from those same sites.

Then use some other method to get links so you have more backlinks than your competitor. That is how you outrank your competitor. In the eyes of the search engines you will appear better if you have more links. The idea of using same anchor text and getting links from same sites that link to your competitors is for a reason.

The search engine loves those sort of links and anchor text cause they already ranked your competitor as the number one. So if you give the search engines what they like and more than that they put you first.

It is still recommended to get links steadily. Even though you know you have to contact say hundred link partners for a link, do not contact all of them same day. Get same number of links everyday, keeping it regularly. You do not want to give the impression to search engines that you are buying links.

The impression needs to be that you are getting links in a normal way. Therefore people are linking to your site cause they find it of great content or value to their visitors.

As you can see it is important to check out what your competitor does. You do the steps mentioned for each keyword you want to get number one position for. Your goal should be the number one so you analyze the competitor that is number one position.

Analyzing can be long but well worth it cause you have a faster chance to get ranked above your competitor. Nowadays it is very common that webmasters hire people to help them to in search engine optimization. You can hire someone to do the analyzation, link building or both. Outsourcing has become very efficient and effective nowadays so I suggest you take advantage of that.

Karl Sultana has more search engine optimization articles on OutRankSmart site. Check for more link building techniques.

E-zine advertising is perhaps one of the most underused forms of promotion. It is a good idea to do your homework, before launching your viral marketing campaign. Article writing and publishing has become the latest buzz in the internet website marketing world. The name of the game as far as Internet marketing

Article marketing is one of the few marketing and product promotional tools that can virtually do it all without burning your pockets. It can easily increase your page views, pull you your search engine ranking, boost your sales, and position yourself as an expert on your chosen niche so you can easily earn the trust of your potential clients.

Here are the 6 ultimate methods to breakthrough with article marketing:

1. Bank on the quality of your articles. This is the most crucial element of article marketing that can either make or break your strategies. If you want your articles to be read, picked up, and widely republished, you must make sure that they are all well-written, informative, and content-rich.

2. Use simple terms. Writing articles for the web means serving online users who come from different geographic locations and have different background and nationalities. That means, some of them might not even be using English as their first language. To get your message across to as many online users as possible, make your articles easy to understand by using simple terms all throughout your content.

3. Optimize your content. Use keywords on your titles and all throughout your content so your articles will become highly searchable online. Make sure that all the keywords you use are the ones that are usually being utilized by your potential clients when they are searching for information in the internet so you can drive quality traffic to your website.

4. Produce and submit original articles. Both search engines and article submission sites cannot be stricter when it comes to content duplication. So, make sure that you offer your readers with only fresh and original content. Strive to communicate your thoughts using your own words and run your articles against anti-plagiarism website like copyscape dot com before you make them available online.

5. Be direct to the point. As you are serving audience who have short attention span, you must avoid beating around the bush at all cost so you will not waste their time. Instead, offer your information upfront and steer clear from using fancy words and fillers.

6. Never insert hyperlinks on your articles. One of the most common reasons why publishers reject articles is because of hyperlinks in the article body. To save your time and effort, save your hyperlinks for your resource box and focus on giving your readers useful content on your articles.

Do you want to learn more about how I use article marketing techniques, and list building methods to generate over $15,347 per month online?

Find out free here: How to Make 5 Figures Online.

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Making Money with Your Blog!


A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

"Can I make money online successfully?" is the question in many people's mind when they venture in Internet Marketing. The obvious answer is Yes. But thanks to scamsters and fake Gurus, more and more people are skeptical of success.

If you are a beginner in Internet Marketing, you should start out with Bum Marketing. The advantage of Bum Marketing is that you do not require any investment and it is risk free. Bum Marketing is a proved technique used by thousands of Internet Marketers and you should also take advantage of it.

Apart from writing and submitting articles to an ezine like goarticles that generates free traffic to your website and help your articles get quickly ranked in Google. You should also look at Squidoo. Squidoo is another favorite website of Google and you will be surprised how quickly your article on Squidoo gets to the top pages of Google.

Articles on Squidoo are called lens. Building a Squidoo lens is not at all difficult and it is pretty intuitive. Follow the steps below to set up your Squidoo lens.

Go to squidoo.com and click on 'Sign up' to create your account.

Step 1: What is your lens about? where you enter the topic on which you plan to write.

Step 2: What do you want to do with your lens? You could either go for the easiest option or select 'I just want to do my own thing.'

Step 3: Title and url: Type the relevant url related to your topic and select the category under which your topic falls under.

Creating a lens

You create your lens by compiling 'modules'. Make sure that you use a healthy number of Text/Write modules. Don't pile up a lot of information in one Text/Write Module. Break them into a number of Text/Write modules so that it is easier for the reader to scan and read sections they are interested in.

Insert pictures, banners and youtube videos wherever relevant to catch the reader's attention.

At the end add the RSS feed to your module so that the Google Search engines come over and over again to your lens as they have to update the content that comes fresh with the RSS feed.

Plan on writing at least one Squidoo lens everyday. Bum Marketing is a very powerful technique and it certainly works. All you have to do is consistently dedicate time for article marketing and churn out articles consistently to give yourself the best chance to succeed.

Squidoo is an important part of Article Marketing to generate free traffic to your website. To know more tips on how to generate traffic to your website and learn other Internet Marketing techniques, click here.

For more tips and tutorials, go here to grab 5 Killer ebooks that contains great tips to make money money online.

Sri is an independent reviewer of the Top Internet Marketing Programs. Learn more about Affiliate Marketing at Internet Money Marketing.

Online marketing starts with your website


Internet marketing allows you to reach a global audience. Internet marketing is marketing your business online. Online marketing starts with your website; make sure its attractive and easy to use. When they need information, modern-day consumers turn first to the Internet. All of your online marketing will make sure they will find

Let me share a short, but true story:

Earlier this week, a new author sent in 15 articles to our article directory, EzineArticles.com.

Those 15 articles received 400 page views within the past 24 hours.

Assuming that rate held constant, that author would receive 12,000 page views per month or 144,000 page views per year without lifting one more finger, not including the distribution potential of our site.

The average person clicks 3.3% on the resource box based on seed articles that we track the CTR (Click Through Rate), give or take .6% either way. Let's use 3% for easy numbers.

144,000+ page views annually x 3% CTR = 4,320 targeted clicks by someone who is already pre-qualified to be interested in your product, service or website because they just read your article.

Average CPC (Cost Per Click) ranges from .05 to $1.25.

Let's pretend that you buy clicks from your favorite PPC (PayPerClick) provider for $.40 cents per click.

Those 4,320 clicks that EzineArticles sent you for free just saved you (4,320 x $.40)= $1,728 USD.

Send in 30 articles, and you could be seeing $3k worth of FREE advertising or more.

My best example are the chart breakers like one of the health and beauty authors who sent in 35 articles and has over 212k page views in the last year. Recently a handful of authors received over 20,000 page views in their first month with only 3 articles that mentioned current events topics as part of their content. Your results may vary.

Which brings me to this question:

If you knew without a shadow of a doubt that you could get $10k-$25k+ in free advertising for 1-2 weeks of work submitting 85-200 articles, would you do it?

Average editor makes $10/hr. 100 hours of work would be about $1,000 in admin labor and I assume you already have the articles produced from your current archives that just need to be repurposed. Net result is about a $19k profit via the savings of not having to spend it to acquire sales via traditional online advertising.

Obviously, if you have to invest your time and labor to produce the articles for the first time, this adds to your cost... but most folks already have 100+ articles in an archive somewhere.

Should you stop PPC advertising now because of this? Absolutely not. Let article marketing supplement your targeted traffic buying campaigns, not replace it. For many entrepreneurs who have not started to buy advertising on a PPC basis, this is a great way to begin thinking about it.

Lastly, did I mention that your articles keep selling for you, day after day, month after month, and year after year? Its true.

Get a plan together; submit 15, 150, or 1,500+ articles this month to the major article directories and specialty niche sites that accept your quality original content, and then sit back and watch your traffic results climb while your advertising expenditure budget gets a little relief.

About The Author:

Christopher M. Knight invites you to submit your best quality original articles for massive exposure to the high-traffic http://EzineArticles.com/ expert author community. When you submit your articles to EzineArticles.com, your articles will be picked up by ezine publishers who will reprint your articles with your content and links intact giving you traffic surges to help you increase your sales. To submit your article, setup a membership account today: http://EzineArticles.com/submit/

(c) Copyright - Christopher M. Knight. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

Article Marketing on the Internet is a whole different story because of the way your articles reach humans who have an interest in them. Article Marketing will help you increase your link popularity, search engine positioning for your keywords and phrases, and it helps you reach more potential customers for your products or services.

Can you really really turn a seven tips article into an ebook?

You sure can. Follow me here:

If you can write a 7 item grocery list, you can write a 7 tips article in your area of expertise.

If you can write a 7 tips article in your area of expertise, you can quickly and easily turn it into an ebook.

From article to ebook in steps

Step 1 - Write a great seven tips in your area of expertise - Come up with seven suggestions, tips, warning signs, etc.

Step 2 - Take one tip and write an article on that tip - Just expand on what you wrote for each tip.

Setp 3 - Do the same thing for the other six tips - Just repeat what you did in step two for each of your tips.

Step 4 - Take one of your tips articles and turn it into a chapter - Do what I call a brain and heart dump and just write everything you know about that tip. Use examples, case studies, stories, etc to illustrate the points you are making in this chapter.

Step 5 - Do the same thing for the other six articles - Take them one at a time and get it done.

Step 6 - Add an introduction - Tell the reader what to expect in the ebook.

Step 7 - Add some invitations - Instead of a conclusion, invite the reader to further engage you through other web sites, services, and products.

Repeat this process over and over again and you can grow many of your articles into ebooks.

And now I would like to invite you to check out http://www.ArticlestoeBooks.com for the very best traing in article marketing and ebook marketing.

Would you like to get in on our free weekly Article Guy TeleSeminars? Visit http://www.TheArticleGuyTeleSeminars.com to get started today!

From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy & GreatArticleMarketingNetwork.com

Online marketing starts with your website


Internet marketing allows you to reach a global audience. Internet marketing is marketing your business online. Online marketing starts with your website; make sure its attractive and easy to use. When they need information, modern-day consumers turn first to the Internet. All of your online marketing will make sure they will find

If you know how to write articles and how to use SEO and smart pages to promote a product then you should find internet marketing fairly simple. If you have not yet been successful, you must be missing something.

The way to write articles is to carefully consider the product you are trying to sell and write down as many aspects of it that people would to want it for as you can. Then write an articles on each of these reasons why people should purchase your product. Make the articles simple, explain very clearly what the product can do, and why the reader should buy it.

Your title should be based upon the particular benefit of your article that you are writing about, and then you will be sure that the reader is focused on what you are offering. He or she will not just b a casual reader, but somebody that has searched for your topic, and decided to read your article based upon the title. Make sure that you write about the topic of the subject line and you will have a good chance that the reader will want to read more.

Then use your authors resource box to advertise a page on your website that can provide further information on the product: not just your home page, but one relevant to the product. That might be a review page on the product, a presales page if it is an affiliate product or your own sales page if it is your own product. Whatever it is, it must relate to the product or your visitor will leave immediately: a good prospect lost forever.

The SEO side of it comes to back up your writing. You cannot just rely on article readers to buy your product, but you also need visitors to your site from the search engines. Optimize your website properly to persuade the search engines that your website is good enough to provide a visitor with the information they want on your subject. I am not going to tell you how to do that here since it will take too long, but my resource box provides further information.

One way to use obscure keywords that a few people use now and again is to use smart pages. Using smart pages, you can use hundreds of different keywords, and even if each only gets used once daily, you will get hundreds of extra traffic every day. Smart pages work for me and they can work for you.

To generate them you need to produce a web page for each keyword. Once you have done that, you should write a redirect, so that visitors to the smart page do not actually land on it, but land on another page of your choice that could be a squeeze page or a sales page. That is up to you.

By combining article writing, SEO and smart pages, you should be able to drive enough traffic to your website to sell any product you want.

Peter is an internet marketer and writer who offers to show you how he gets his website listed rapidly on all the major search engines on Improved Search Engine Rank and also explains more about Smart Pages on Smart Pages.

Making Money with Your Blog!


A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

"We (the British and Americans) are two countries separated by a common language."
G.B. Shaw

There is a patina of friendly competition that spans the north Atlantic, and misunderstandings can be humorous and worthy of retelling many times over a whiskey. As an American replied when asked, by an Englishman, why he pronounced words in such a curious way, he said perhaps we went to different schools.

Well, different schools it may be, but language is changing on both sides of the Atlantic, and anyone with a website that wants to take advantage of two of the biggest markets in online business, should know exactly when search engines find it important.

It was Noah Webster who changed many words to their present form. Slowly he Americanised spelling. He chose s over c in words like defence; he changed the re to er in words like centre; changed traveller to traveler, and although at first he kept the u in words like colour or favour, he changed them in later editions of his dictionary.

So what are the ramifications of for SEO.

Let us take as an example www.opexhosting.com.

OPEX are a provider of call centre solutions in the UK, so on the face of it would use key phrases like call centre, or contact centre, with the 'er' ending as they are spelled in the UK.

It is not, however, quite that simple.

A tool that says it provides results depending on what market you are aiming at is the yahoo search marketing keyword tool (Overture).

If I type in call centre in the section designed to exhibit UK results, I find that the UK spelling does not come up at all in the singular spelling of the word. It seems that the UK spelling of call centre has dropped from the radar entirely.

Are we getting confused about spelling in old blighty? It wouldnt be the first time. We might drive 60 miles, but then run 100 metres, a hot day can be over 100 degrees Fahrenheit, but it is cold at sub zero degrees centigrade, cars are filled in Litres, but a car that does 50 miles to the gallon is doing its bit to save the planet.

Not giving in I went back to my trusty keyword tool and tried again with catalogue, and it came back with results spelled catalog.

Smelling a rat I popped across to the overture bid tool, and found that the bids were exactly the same for the US and UK spellings. It seems that yahoo search marketing (or what used to be overture) bundles US and UK spellings in the same pot. I was not going to get any meaningful data here.

I then took a look at the keyword suggestion tool at wordtracker.com which finally gave me some recognisable results. Using its own database of searched for terms, It told me that 570 people per day were searching for call center (US) and 92 were looking for a call centre (UK). So UK English is, most probably, still being used in England.

But how do search engines react to the different spellings?

Google does take notice. If we type Contact centre into Google we get different results to contact center, as we do for color and colour, so Google does not just bundle the results into one big lump.

How do the results differ? Well for a start in the US version of Google, which seems to get from 70% to 80% of Google traffic even in the UK, call center gets 947,000,000 results, and call centre gets 157,000,000, which is a very similar ratio to the wordtracker results at around 6 to 1 US to UK spellings.

If we look at google.co.uk results are, of course, biased more towards UK results, including spelling. But with many UK websites reporting only 25% to 30% of Google traffic coming from the UK version its search engine, we find ourselves in a quandary.

If we do a search on call centres, in Googles US version, using the English spelling, the number two slot is a website that does not have the UK version of the word in it.

Put simply.

If you are an American or an English site, with any keywords that require different spellings for each side of the pond, and you want to either capture the other market or even, in the case of UK sites, be sure of covering all angles in your own market, best optimise for both.

So how do we do that.

One way is to maintain a .co.uk (or .com.au etc) and a .com site. This risks tripping over Googles duplicate content algorithm made popular in the jagger update, and marketing efforts, like link building, would have to be for two separate sites.

Another possibility is to use both UK and US spelling in the same site content. But how does this look in a site that is trying to tell its visitors that they are an eloquent business proposition. Well, it is possible to put alternative spellings into things like meta tags and image alts. Its perfectly legal, although Noah Webster might turn in his grave.

Dominic Reid is a Search engine optimization analyst who runs OpenG SEO.

Article Marketing on the Internet is a whole different story because of the way your articles reach humans who have an interest in them. Article Marketing will help you increase your link popularity, search engine positioning for your keywords and phrases, and it helps you reach more potential customers for your products or services.

Article marketing is a great way to build your information empire. Whether you want a small information empire or a large information empire.

Now if you are one of the folks that tend to think at this point

"What do you mean, an information empire? I haven't even created my first product yet!"

just hang in there a minute. Let's start with your first product and see where this goes. You may want to build a large information empire or a teeny tiny information empire.

That part is up to you. I just want you to get it that you can.

From article to information product

Here are three products you can quickly create out of just about any article -

An ebook - Expand each point in your article into a chapter. If you have written a 7 tips article then this is really simple - you just create a chapter for each tip.

An ecourse - Take each point or tip in your article and make it one episode in an ongoing ecourse or eprogram. Send out an episode once a day or once a week.

A teleseminar - Take your article and use it as the basis for creating a teleseminar. You will say much more on your teleseminar than you will in your article so then you are writing more articles, just with your mouth and not with your hands.

From information product to information empire

Repeat the process above over and over again. Add other products like audio CDs, mp3s and home study courses.

Bonus Tip - Ask your clients what they want to know and then deliver it to them. And now I would like to offer you free access to 2 of my Instant Article Templates when you subscribe to my free Article Marketing Minute, a 52 week audio/video newsletter on Article Marketing. You can get your instant access at http://www.ArticleMarketingMinute.com

From Jeff Herring - The Internet Article Guy & the Great Article Marketing Network

E-zine advertising is perhaps one of the most underused forms of promotion. It is a good idea to do your homework, before launching your viral marketing campaign. Article writing and publishing has become the latest buzz in the internet website marketing world. The name of the game as far as Internet marketing

Gone are the days when well chosen title tags and META tags were enough to give your website a good search engine ranking. Today, the search engines use much more complex algorithms when ranking your website, and so the search engine optimization process has become more complicated.

One of the chief things the search engines look at when ranking your website is its link popularity. Basically, link popularity depends on the number and the quality of websites linking to your site.

Having good links to your website has two chief advantages. The first is that these links will drive traffic directly to your website. Second, links to your website will boost the popularity of your site with search engines.

So when you think about search engine optimization, one of the first things you should do is check how many websites are linking to your site, and determine the quality of the links. A link from a popular website will be much more valuable than a link from one with little traffic.

You can perform this check yourself by typing 'link:www.yourdomainname.com' into any of the search engines. Of course, you use the url of your own website. This should return a list of all the websites that link to your site. If you get poor results, it may be time to start thinking about a link building campaign.

There are a number of ways in which you can get links to your website included on other websites. By far the most valuable are natural links, where other sites link to you by choice because they like your content and/or the product you sell.

You could also consider having your website listed on some of the popular directories. This is an ongoing process, as your website will usually disappear from the directory after a couple of days.

You could also try submitting articles that are relevant to your website to article directories. Other websites can use these articles for free, but must also publish a short description of your service and a link to your website at the bottom of the article. If you can write good content that people will want to publish, this can be a good way of creating one-way links to your website.

Reciprocal links are another option, where you and another website owner agree to publish links to each other's sites. This can increase link popularity, but also may drive traffic away from your website.

These are just some of the ways to increase link popularity. You could also consider pay per click ads, social media marketing or some other method.

For more information about starting a freelance business, visit FreelanceSprout.com.

Making Money with Your Blog!


A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

The television show American Idol is once again roaring through yet another blockbuster season on Fox Network. Are there marketing lessons buried within the weekly contest that draws millions of television viewers every week? Yes! The same strategies that creates stars on American Idol can help YOU create some star power for your own online business.

Differentiate Yourself - Simon Cowell is often heard telling American Idol contestants that their performance was "totally forgettable." Well, since American Idol is about more than just vocals - making yourself memorable comes from being talented, original, fresh and contemporary.

The only way to stay alive in the competition is to consistently deliver what the American Idol fans want... week after week. You need to stand out from the pack and stay there. Even as a viewer - when someone asks who was the best on last night's American Idol, it doesn't say much for the show when there isn't a performance that jumps out at you. Often times people are talking more about which performances were down right awful.

Differentiating yourself by showcasing your best gifts and strengths is how you will make yourself memorable - whether you are a contestant on American Idol or marketing yourself online. Your website, your tagline, your email signature and resource box for your articles should all work hard to make your business "memorable."

Play on Your Strengths - So many American Idol contestants try to be sign songs that are out of their range and beyond their talent. It is better to stick with what you know you do well and showcase the best YOU. More often than not, you will hear the judges talk about a song being "pitchy" or "screaming" the lyrics.

Showcase Your Talent - Choosing songs that dramatically show your gifts is a much smarter move than picking a song that is a stretch for your voice, your rhythm or energy level. The same holds true for marketing strategies. Know your gifts and strengths then make them SHINE.

Be Coachable - When Simon Cowell tells a contestant on American Idol that their performance was a "disaster" you can hear the crowd come alive with hisses and boos. Viewers at home may even get their own hackles up and rant to anyone that will listen to just how mean the judges are on American Idol. For most of us, being faced with such blatant criticism makes us cringe BUT just like the athlete pushed by a coach - we learn. We learn to improve our game so to speak. If everyone around us told us what a great job we do when in fact, we are lousy - we will be end up like those American Idol wannabees that show up for auditions only to find out - we can't carry a note!

It really doesn't matter if you are trying to become the next American Idol or make a living online from home - when you get advice or suggestions from others that know more than you, listen. You don't have to give up a piece of yourself in order to learn from others. Stop listen, think it over and take their advice to heart. Be open to learning from others - see things from those more experienced than you.

Take Risks- Each week, at least one American Idol judge will say "you played it too safe" with that performance. If you have ever watched the auditions, you may have noticed people sing one song that isn't well received then ask if they can sing another choice then end up being a contestant. It's all about risk. Unless you are willing to risk looking foolish, you will rarely experience great moments. That is how life works. Until you are willing to ask that girl out or sing a song for the American Idol judges - you will never know if or when the answer will be YES.

For those that love to hate American Idol, remember - the contestants that perform each week might still be in their hometown's simply dreaming of singing their hearts out on the Big Stage BUT instead they took the leap and made it this far in the competition. They are living their dream and giving it their best shot.

For those of us that run a home business or market online - we are pursuing our own entrepreneurial dreams. The marketing lessons learned from American Idol just might get you showcasing your own talents and passions in a brighter spotlight.

Tammy Ames shares her latest opportunities and online business resources at Online Business News. Tam's online earnings are getting her closer to her dream of living debt free - share the dream on Debt Crunch.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building


There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Article marketing is an extremely valuable method of getting traffic to your website. If you are not familiar with it, article marketing is basically the process of writing articles and submitting them, along with links back to your website, to article reprint directories on the internet.

Almost everyone who owns their own websites will visit article reprint directories on a semi-regular basis in order to find new content to place upon their sites. When you have the opportunity to submit articles to such directories, you are granting explicit permission for others to employ your writing on their site, for free. The only concession is that the website owners must typically include an "about the author" blurb following every article that they use. This can include your biographical information and perhaps a link back to your website.

When your article gets used on another website, everyone who reads the article sees your author biodata and the links back to your website. A good article may wind up on hundreds of websites, where many people can read it. You can submit your article to different directories.

Article marketing is a great way to send visitors to your website without putting out any money to do it. This can help your company and your website grow. You will become well known and respected by a great number of people in your target range and attract many hits to your site.

The goal of article marketing is to make readers go to an article of yours which is posted on your site. When they arrive there, you have a much greater opportunity to communicate the remainder of your sales pitch. If you really comprehend the working of search engine optimization, you can word your copy so as to achieve a significantly superior level in the listings of search results.

Article marketing is extremely low cost, and in many cases, totally free. When people find what they want and are impressed with what you've written, you become an expert in their minds, which translates to a high level of credibility. Unique articles with unique content also help to increase the traffic to your site.

Copy that is meant to generate more internet traffic to a specific site should have lots and lots of buzzwords. They make the copy more effective, and they affect the article's rating on the most popular search engines. The trick is to choose the proper buzzwords. However, if a site has a lower rating, it really doesn't need as many of those terms.

There are several ways to increase traffic to your website through your articles. One way is by creating articles that include easy links back to your site. Submitting articles to directories and newsletter publishers is also a good idea. Articles that contain unique content are always wanted for online use. Selling your articles for use as E-books can also send a lot of traffic your way.

A new and increasingly popular way to increase traffic to your site is the use of article marketing. This new marketing method involves writing unique articles with content that draws readers using search engines. The content should contain many key words that the web search engine will pick up. This will increase the frequency of your articles coming to the attention of the online readers. The article should also have unique content to draw the readers. It can be filed with one of the article directory services so people can see it easily. Once they click on it, they are one their way to your site.

E-zine advertising is perhaps one of the most underused forms of promotion. It is a good idea to do your homework, before launching your viral marketing campaign. Article writing and publishing has become the latest buzz in the internet website marketing world. The name of the game as far as Internet marketing

Article marketing is not as profitable as before. That's what 'gurus' tend to say to get you afraid. The truth is, although there are more article writers right now, the amount of people surfing the Internet has also increased. So it comes down to the same amount of traffic.

Here are my 3 biggest secrets for getting massive traffic from your article marketing:

1. Always Build A List With Your Opt-In Page

This is what I do - I always build a list by sending traffic from my articles to a opt-in page. I don't send them to a sales page - that just turns most people off. But a squeeze page offering free information is better received. List building is one of the key activities you must be concentrating on online, so direct your traffic to build your list!

2. Submit Only To The Top Directories

Although you can make submitting articles to hundreds of directories quicker with an article submitter, it's still terribly difficult. You have to register at all the directories, and most article directories are different from each other, so that makes article submitting with submitters a slow process still. My advice: submit only to the top 5 directories. Spend more time writing articles.

3. Write In A Conversational Style

Let's face it, as human beings we are emotional beings. We respond better to conversational writing (that's why blogs are so popular!) than boring, technical writing. Unless your subject calls for it, I'd advice writing in a conversational style (like what I'm doing here!) as this will generate windfall results.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to http://www.MurderYourJob.com to get your free copy now before it's gone!

Article Marketing on the Internet is a whole different story because of the way your articles reach humans who have an interest in them. Article Marketing will help you increase your link popularity, search engine positioning for your keywords and phrases, and it helps you reach more potential customers for your products or services.

When you're just starting out promoting a new site, where do you start? There are so many options, so many methods of promotion you can take advantage of, so many ways to go about each method, it's easy to be confused. Here are some tips to get you started promoting your new site, the right way.

Press Release It

A press release is an excellent way to announce your new website to the world. Write about your company, what it does, what your goals are for it, how it came about, and then distribute your press release via a reputable newswire like PRWeb. A newswire will allow your press release to be accessible and searchable through many search engines and news databases as well as be posted on their site. A press release can potentially attract attention from news media including local, as well as national and even global magazines, newspapers, TV news stations and other media outlets. If your website offers something unique, something of real interest, a press release may be your website's ticket to stardom.

Talk About It

Talk about your website in the many communities, forums and blogs across the web where your customers converse. Post to relevant blogs, join the discussion on a relevant forum, answer questions in communities, and include your link in your post signature. Offer good information and you'll gain a good reputation as an expert in your area, which makes people more likely to trust your posts, click your link, and may even make them more likely to buy from you!

Announce It

Announce your new website in your local newspaper, circulars or a trade magazine or publication. This helps you get your name out there and reach local customers who may be able to start your business off on the right foot with good word of mouth.

Network It

Leverage the many social networks on the web, specifically the ones where your target market gathers, it could be MySpace, FaceBook, LinkedIn, Zaadz, Ryze etc. There are thousands of social networks online, with new ones popping up everyday, you're sure to find one or two, or maybe a dozen that cater to your target audience. For instance, if your website offers something for seniors, you could network with people on Eons.com, which caters to seniors.

To use social networks to reach out to your audience, simply sign up for an account. Then set up your profile, add as much information as possible to your profile, including a picture, links, information etc. Then browse around and join groups, add friends and converse with people. You'll quickly gain some friends if you have something interesting to say. To promote your site, you can add your link to your profile, or send your link to friends via private message or bulletins, or post it to groups. Remember not to spam though.

Link It

Link building is an important part of the website promotion process. One way to start off your link building is to exchange links with other, related websites. Write to webmaster's of related websites and ask them to exchange links with you. Make sure your message is personal and polite, or your message could be ignored or marked as spam.

Lydia Quinn writes for PaidSurvey24.com, where you can find a completely free list of paid surveys companies that will pay you or offer rewards for taking their surveys. Visit us at: http://www.paidsurvey24.com

E-zine advertising is perhaps one of the most underused forms of promotion. It is a good idea to do your homework, before launching your viral marketing campaign. Article writing and publishing has become the latest buzz in the internet website marketing world. The name of the game as far as Internet marketing

What can provide you the cheapest if not free targeted visitors in huge number to your website?

Undoubtedly the answer is 'search engines'. And the equation is very simple - improve search engine rank and gain more visitors.

To rank high in the result pages you need to satisfy the search engines about your worth and at the same time you must satisfy the existing visitors in your page.

Now, how does search engine get satisfied about the worth of a website for specific keywords (you must remember that search engines are bound to offer good result to retain the existing visitors in their own page)?

Bigger search engines like Google, Yahoo, MSN, puts more value on content (keyword density, variables and positioning) and incoming links. Whereas, smaller search engines (general category) still emphasizes on Meta keywords and Meta descriptions. (Perhaps you know that in the earlier stages of their development all search engines checked the Meta data to confirm the relative worth of a website.)

Black Hat search engine optimizers used to write different content for search engines and visitors. One of the most common formats was to provide two layers of content. In one layer the content was stuffed with keywords (or only keywords) and was written in the same color as the background (white text on white background) - naturally the content was not visible to general visitors. At the same time they used to create natural content for visitors. They used so many other techniques to forge content in a page.

However, over the time bigger search engines became too claver to identify those pages and banned them. In fact Google took thousands steps forward and introduced LSI (latent semantic indexing - any doubt about its introduction?) to identify quality content from original sources.

Today the best way to get better search engine rankings is to stay honest or follow the age old and proven process of pretending that you are honest. What does it mean - you must go for link building and at the same time make sure those search engines do not understand that you are doing that.

Here are some tips for on-page optimization to improve your search engine ranking:

  1. Content - the primary condition is to have unique content in your site. To put it simply unique content means something that should not have any other similar web copy. Now you need to put your keywords strategically into the body of the content. The best way is to put keywords in sub headings (if you can break the content into different parts or sections, you can have more options to use sub headings). However, make sure that you do not follow any pattern in using key phrases. You can also make some keywords bold (bold words suggest that you are emphasizing on the text). It is always better to update your content occasionally.
  2. Interlinking - Link the important landing pages from different pages with targeted keywords. It not only helps search engines to understand why you created that page but also help them to crawl internal pages.
  3. Navigation - Use simple (html) navigation link pattern.
  4. Meta Documents - even though major search engines tend to ignore them, meta documents still have a lot of importance among second level search engines. And in SEO, every little bit counts.
  5. URL Structure - use keywords in the domain name. it is better to structure your URL like examplesite.com/targeted-keyword.html rather then using example-site.com/targeted_keyword_positioning_in_url.html
  6. Sitemap - with links to all the internal pages - helps search engines to easily crawl the website.
  7. Good Neighborhood - Link to worthy websites from your site. This will create a good neighborhood for your site and will help search engines to understand your site better.

And get as many links as possible from relevant websites. If you follow these simple tips, it will improve search engine rank of your website.

Discover the best kept secrets by asking an SEO expert. Find out how to improve search engine rank for your website using web 2.0 strategies.

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