Article Marketing on the Internet is a whole different story


Article Marketing on the Internet is a whole different story because of the way your articles reach humans who have an interest in them. Article Marketing will help you increase your link popularity, search engine positioning for your keywords and phrases, and it helps you reach more potential customers for your products or services.

Why should you optimize your website for not so competitive keywords as a rookie webmaster? Most new webmasters start optimizing for very high competitive keywords, because they want to hit the jackpot.

Nevertheless they will not rank at all for any little competitive keyword, because there website is new and it probably it has no trust at all. I have some beginner and advanced webmaster seo tricks, which you can use to gain some traffic when launching your new website, and to start making some money of your website.

When you starting a new website or weblog, no one knows about it. So you can do a lot of work, with link exchange, submit your blog to directories and submit your rss feed to any website. But there are better ways to make a stable traffic source, like optimize your website for not competitive keywords. Most skilled webmasters tells everyone do not start with not competitive keywords, because the traffic they gain is very minimal, and gives no profit on the long run.

I did a lot of testing and my experience is that when you start with competitive keywords, it takes months before first visitors come trough google and will rank your website for some strange keyword phrases.

Because you have no trust rank or enough backlinks, and because nobody knows your website or blog, and they will not link to you page.

When you start with 3 phrase keywords with weird synonyms or something, you can rank easily on these 3 phrase keywords. Because no one wants to rank on them, they just start off with high competitive keywords. Do not forget to use not competitive keywords in your title tags because with this seo trick you can hit the number one spot easily.

So your great new website can rank on number one easily on these keyword phrases and start to gain some traffic. Don't expect much traffic, but a website without traffic in any months is NOT fun to make or update. That's why most people quit there website or blog within 3 months because they are not motivated to go further if no one reads there content.

Now you are on the number one spot (maybe 2,3 or 4) but you gain traffic, and a small amount of people know your website. Maybe some webmasters will start linking your website, and your website will growing with backlinks and trust.

After a few months you still gaining traffic and when your website or blog got enough trust of google, it will climb up the results on very competitive keywords. Then all your old content and articles are going to rank on synonyms of your synonyms :) When you used a synonym of a very highly competitive keyword and it starts ranking on the original keyword you will be a very happy webmaster, with still a lot of motivation.

For more information check

Your sincerely,


Viral marketing is a methods of list building


There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

I remember the days of yester year when I was younger and video games were all the rage for the young and old alike. Our corner store found space for Asteroids and Space Invaders, and then it wasn't too much long after when Pac-Man entered the scene.

Everyone knows or at least heard of Pac-Man. It was the video game where a pie shaped figure would be navigated around the screen eating small dots to rack up the points. While this would go on, the little yellow creature is being chased by ghosts of various colors. The object of the game was to eat all of the dots without the ghosts catching you.

Obviously video games have evolved into an unbelievable business, where gamers spend literally billions of dollars every year. Because of video games combined with the Internet, it has created a new revolution of advertising.

The hot term is called viral marketing. It is a type of advertising where people forward your advertising information to their friends and colleagues. They do it, and may or may not know they are doing it.

Many companies today are using online games as a source of viral marketing. It works this way. The company who is advertising has a small game created, something very simple, yet fun. In the background of the game you will see some sort of advertising with the company's name on it. Such items would include a billboard, maybe a sign sticking out of the ground, or even a link to a website.

The person playing the game obviously enjoys it so he or she sends it out to everyone in their inbox. Then they send it out to everyone and so one. Before you know thousands upon thousands of people are playing this game with the company's advertising right in front of them.

You have probably seen this in the non video game format where video hosting sites have videos of companies who create these ridiculous commercials that you can only see online. The videos are so funny or so bad they get passed on to millions of people. If you are the company that is advertising in the video or game, you just hit a homerun because you just advertised to millions of people for literally pennies.

You as a business owner need to take advantage of this type of advertising. The money you will spend to create the game or video will be far less than if you have tried to reach millions of customers around the world.

Create something that is relevant to your business, make it interesting, funny and enjoyable to those would view it or play it, and then post it everywhere you can think. Also, do not forget to send it to friends, relatives and colleagues as to where they can find it on the internet. They'll probably get the ball rolling for you.

It is called viral marketing, and if you aren't taking advantage of it, you are really missing out.

By: Bruce A. Tucker

About the Author:
Bruce A. Tucker is the Associate Director of, an online resource that allows web surfers and internet businesses to post their products and services for sale and hire in 20,000 cities throughout 200 countries around the world free of charge.

Article Marketing on the Internet is a whole different story because of the way your articles reach humans who have an interest in them. Article Marketing will help you increase your link popularity, search engine positioning for your keywords and phrases, and it helps you reach more potential customers for your products or services.

Why is it that many of us are still looking for a secret magic formula to internet marketing strategies from the experts? Secret internet marketing strategies do not really exist as we imagine them to.

Time and time again I see people jumping from one internet marketing material to the other, looking for those expert secret strategies that guarantee millions of dollars in online sales.

- Is there really such a thing?

Yes and No.

I'll explain why.

All over the web we come across materials promising extreme success through enormous traffic and increase of sales using special recipes never released before that will guarantee thousands of dollars with minimum effort and sometimes without spending a dime.

All this can be true, however what many of these people who promise you these wonderful opportunities, each time fail to tell you, is that when you buy these products/services containing Internet marketing strategies, you still need to do a lot of work and spend more money to be able to get the full benefit of what you just purchased.

I am not saying the materials are bad, but many of us still like to delude ourselves that we can grow our business to millions over night using the same system other marketing experts have used and without working at all.

The reality is that all businesses are unique and there is no one formula that can work for all. That is quite impossible.

There are many factors that contribute to the success of a business, and two very important ones are: Your unique selling proposition and your personality.

In order to become experts in our business, we really need to focus on is our long term goal and to understand the best way to reach that goal. Only when we are able to understand our goals, can we apply these internet marketing strategies to our business.

- The answers are right in front of you.

Sit back today and ask yourself the following questions:


1: Why did I choose this line of business?

2: What am I trying to achieve?

3: How much money do I want to make from this venture?

4: What do I expect my business to look like in the next 5 years?

Answering these questions will help you understand your long term goal.

Money alone is not a motivation and also not a reason to go into business. If you're thinking in this direction because of desperation, then you better rethink your strategy, if not you'll be heading for the rocks.

The biggest names in business today are built on passion and a need to fill up a void. Money follows this passion after you create and satisfy want.

- How does this affect your secret internet marketing strategies?

Knowing why you are in business and where you want to get to has everything to do with your marketing.

For example: If you decided to go into business to help people loose weight, then it will be easy to identify your target market. Knowing this alone can help you quickly find out where they hang out online and what they need from you now and in the future.

This is already one step closer to a successful business!

Knowing your clients will also determine the evolution of your business. Taking the weight loss industry I mentioned above, you can even narrow your niche by choosing to help people loose weight or even prevent them from putting it back on. You can also diversify to psychology of the overweight man or woman, and how they should deal with society.

As you can see, knowing your business well will also give you a clearer picture of what you need to do to make your business successful.

You too can be an expert.

- So am I saying we should not purchase any marketing help?

On the contrary I really do support the purchase of marketing materials from experts, containing internet marketing secret strategies, but only when I know what I am looking to find inside. Do not expect these marketing materials to do the work for you.

Knowledge is power!

You need to constantly educate yourself as much as you can, this is what the marketing experts do. Read anything related to your business, every chance you get. Read articles on strategies and how to apply them on the internet. This will guarantee you are always on top of your game and one step a head of your competition.

Before you decide to purchase any marketing material, you need to first understand what your business is all about, where you want to go with your idea, what kind of image you want to portray, how much you want to get out of the venture and in what time frame you would like to achieve all this. Combine your instincts and passion for your business with the knowledge you require.

Carry out a research online to see if you can get answers from free resources that experts have published. There are so many materials on internet marketing strategies that you can get your hands on for free. Exhaust those resources, and only then should you decide to bring out your credit card and pay for anything.

Once again, there is no magic trick that will make you rich overnight, it all depends on how you use the information readily available to make your business grow.


1: Take a pen and paper and write out the answers to the questions from (REF1) above.

2: When you have been able to determine your long term goal in a clearly written form also using figures as a measure of success, then, set a time frame you expect to reach this goal.

3: Now let's break down this long term goal into multiple short term goals. Write on your sheet of paper or use a spread sheet to break down your goals into months at first and then break the months into weeks, then the weeks in days. By doing this you can easily create short term multiple check points to help you measure your success in the long run.

Example: I plan to make my weight loss product the number one name when it comes to weight loss products and programs, and I want to do this within 3 years earning 15 million dollars in total sales.

Taking this very simple example let's now break this down into weeks and even days. For the sake of simplicity I'll just take the monetary value as my end goal, leaving out my goal to become number one.

In three years I want to make $15 million dollars.

Dividing that by 3 means every year I need to make $5 million

Breaking this goal further into months, will mean that each month I need to make approximately $416,667

Breaking this further into weeks will mean I need to make approximately $7,986 each week.

Breaking this further down to days will mean that I need to make approximately $1,141 each day

Now compare $1,141 to $15,000,000, doesn't $1,141 seem an easier target to reach?

4: Look at your target each day and write down what you need to do to achieve this daily goal.

Now that you have broken your long term goal into smaller bits, it will be easier to identify you internet marketing strategies and to take these shorter steps, measuring everything as you go along, thereby creating a trend for your business.

Breaking your goals down further into days and even hours, will also allow you to monitor activities closely as a result you can react quickly to market changes when it is required. Your marketing strategies will always be evolving as you put them into practice and you will becoem an expert in your field.


Here are some questions that come to mind:

- How many sales do you need to make in order to reach this figure?
- How many people do you need to reach weekly/daily in order to achieve this goal?
- What is your conversion ratio?
- What do you need to do to reach these people?
- How much will it cost you to reach your target market?
- What do you need to do to improve your conversion ratio?
- What marketing strategies are working for you on the internet and offline?
- What are the other factors that determine your sales volume (seasonal factors, income etc.)?

Depending on your goal, you will have many more questions to ask.

Your goal should not only be to make money, just like my example above. You can also have goals that are indirectly related to money, something like to become a marketing expert, the number one name in your industry. This too can also be broken down into multiple short term goals so that you can easily apply your marketing strategies to them.

There is always a process you need to follow in order to reach any goal, be it on the internet or offline. It's all about taking your proposed final destination in time and identifying the shortest possible route to get there. In a nutshell, you need to find out what it takes for you to get from point A to point B in the shortest possible time, without wasting money. This is where your internet marketing strategies come into play.

You can now see that you have been able to clearly identify your goal, breaking it down into smaller time periods so you can easily identify the real questions that determine the route to success of your business. Only then, when you have the right questions, do you seek the answers inside paid materials.

Stop deluding yourself that the marketing materials from experts that contain secret internet marketing strategies promising you millions in online sales is the answer to your question. First look within and find out the right questions to ask, break them down into specifics, and then seek the answers. By doing this, you will change your thinking to success. You will able to create a clear picture of what you really need to do in order to take your business to the level you dreamed

Edward Hadome is a rare hybrid manager, strategist, writer and web developer. His specialty is psychology of online buying behavior. Visit "4 weeks Step By Step Marketing program" at where E-Marketers quickly build for free, a real personalized profitable action plan.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building


There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Small architectural firms have slowly dwindled, being unable to cope with competition from established larger firms. This makes it essential for the existing small architectural firms to have a well-thought-out marketing plan and effective marketing strategies to become successful firms. Some firms have selected a certain niche to specialize in; others have formed alliances with other services to stay in business. With a good marketing strategy they can attain their target goal more easily.

Some Marketing Ideas for Small Architecture Firms: - Making use of the Internet is a great way to market small architecture firms. By creating a content-rich, visually pleasing and easily navigable website, you can attract a number of clients. You can make your small architectural firm visible to the whole world using the Internet; and if it is keyword-search optimized, your site can be displayed when keyword searches are done by prospective clients, thus making it highly target market-oriented. - You can also start a free newsletter service asking those who visit your site to subscribe to it, generating leads as well as staying in touch with potential clients. - Ask for your satisfied customers to put up their testimonials on your website as this may help persuade other clients to consider your firm. - Permission-based e-mail marketing is a very cost-effective and easy way to market your services online. - Use carefully planned advertisements that are well planned and that convey the right message to the clients extolling the benefits of choosing your firm. The TV, radio, newspaper, free newspapers, and magazines can be used effectively to advertise your services. Make sure you advertise regularly and effectively. Try advertising in magazines that deal in home decoration or building and construction. Infomercials on TV that are informative as well as portray your firm as trustworthy and capable can help, too. - Form alliances with other services that complement your business, in which they can refer you and get a commission from you for doing so. - Work out deals with local real estate agents who may recommend you to people who are in need of your services. - Offer excellent customer service, since nothing can compare to word-of-mouth advertisements. Your firm has to appear dependable and experienced and promise them quality work, but make sure you keep your promise. - Market research and competitive analysis have to be done frequently to stay ahead of your competition and to counter any of their strategies. - Keep track of how your client heard of you, since it can help give you valuable insight as to which advertising media is working for you and which area is not that effective so that you can allot appropriate funds to the various media.

You can use these tips and many more for getting new clients for your firm. If required you can even take the services of professional marketing consultants and business management software for managing and developing your business.

Alexander Gordon is a writer for - The Small Business Consulting Community. Sign-up for the free success steps newsletter and get our booklet valued at $24.95 for free as a special bonus. The newsletter provides daily strategies on starting and significantly growing a business.

Business Owners all across the country are joining "The Community of Small Business Owners to receive and provide strategies, insight, tips, support and more on starting, managing, growing, and selling their businesses. As a member, you will have access to true Millionaire Business Owners who will provide strategies and tips from their real-life experiences.

Making Money with Your Blog!


A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Keywords aren't just some words that allow search engines, like Google, to find your web site. They are also key elements for creating attractive language to use in your marketing or advertising material. For instance places such as: brochures, business cards, flyers, and ads. Keywords can also fit well into speaking engagements scripts or audiotapes scripts as well as audience handouts.

It is important to create a keyword list for each product or service you have. The keyword list might even change slightly if there are various groups or audiences for that product or service.

For simplicity, I have omitted the word service and for the word product to reflect both.

Creating your keyword list can begin after you have clearly identified the buyer or audience for a particular product or service. You will need to know as much about the buyer's demographic and charactertics as possible. I also recommend including their descriptive qualities and personalities. Here is a list to kick start your brainstorming process:

Socially conscious
Early adaptor
Later buyer
Has to see it to believe it
Guarantee a must.

The list of keywords will describe the product and target the specific quality you have isolated as most important to those buyers. No grabbing out of midair. Take the time and research, this will help you save money and reduce costly marketing experiences.

You can complete your research with any combination of methods. Here are eight methods to help you build from:

Yellow Pages or other indexes for services or products.
Reviewing your company literature already created
Checking out the competitors literature
Surveying key customers
Searching through trade publications (articles and ads), and contacting them or visiting their web site looking for their buyer statistics/demographics.
Use a general dictionary and thesaurus
Use a specialized dictionary like the, Flip Dictionary.

You can use resources like the yellow pages or other catalogue-type indexes listing grouping to discover keywords your product or service would be listed under.

Lets move through an example. If you were selling a professional development product you could be in any one of the following professions: professional speaker, life, business, or executive coach, consultant or trainer. Your buyer or audience is somewhat successful you're your product will help them add additional success. Here is a list of keywords that could describe their characteristics or qualities:

Able to motivate others
Committed to achieving excellence
Demands excellence
Full of character
Has good judgment
Has a wonderful stress-free life already
Highly perceptive
Lives up to her or her potential
Life-long learner
Sts high standards for themselves
Stays on track
Strives for perfection
Strives to excel
Takes the initiative
Motivated to achieve

Okay, good start. Now, lets begin to put all this together. Lets zoom in on one of these: strives to excel. Lets narrow down further to one word: excel.

Look up the word excel in a synonym finder, thesaurus or my preference, the Flip Dictionary and you find the following keywords that you can add to your keyword list: best, better, exceed, outclass, outdo, out rival, outstrip, shine, star, superior, surpass, take the cake, transcend, dominate, tower above, be head and shoulders above, stand out in the crowd, hold sway, lead, take the lead, lead the pack.

The list can go on, however, will stop here because the point is made.

After this, you could let your fingers travel through the thesaurus and then add those words.

Alternatively, you could continue your list by visiting a few of your competitors web sites and see what keywords they use. You do this by visiting their home page, right clicking the mouse on the page, and select "view source." In the HTML code look for "keywords." These are the keywords they use for the search engines to find them.

You will want to specifically focus on the competitor web sites that appear in first ten spots on one or two major search engines, like Google.

Next, select another method from your list of resources and continue until you feel you have enough right words.

After completing your list, you will want to review and place the keywords in priority order as best possible and eliminate any words that might be misleading. If you market globally, make sure none of the keywords mean something offensive in their language.

Catherine Franz, a Certified Professional Marketing & Writing Coach, specializes in product development, Internet writing and marketing, nonfiction, training. Newsletters and articles available at:


To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Article marketing is the key if you want to survive the growing competition online. This marketing strategy which requires you to write and submit your articles on publishing sites, can give you numerous backlinks while you position yourself as an expert on your chosen niche. As a result you will be able to augment your website's traffic as well as your sales leads.

Here are the 5 best secrets to impact your article marketing:

1. Grab your readers' attention. The first step that you need to take to ensure your success in this marketing tool is to get people to read your articles. In order to do so, you need to know how to create titles that are attention-grabbing and thought-provoking.

2. Write to inform and not to impress. Your main objective in writing your articles should be to educate your readers. In reading your content, they must be able to learn something valuable that they can use to either resolve their pressing issues or better understand their situation. As such, you have to make sure that every word you use on your content is easy to understand.

3. Register on leading publishing sites. Do a google search to find out which article submission sites have good page ranking and steady traffic. These are the only publishing sites where you should post your articles to as they can give your articles the exposure they need.

4. Use active verbs. As a marketer, you need to make sure that your articles will sound strong and confident to effectively persuade your readers to take action. As such, you need to avoid using passive voice as it makes your content sound weak.

5. Connect your readers to your content. By this, I mean make your articles sound more engaging. Ask question, offer solutions, or incorporate personal stories that your readers can easily relate to.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Online marketing starts with your website


Internet marketing allows you to reach a global audience. Internet marketing is marketing your business online. Online marketing starts with your website; make sure it???s attractive and easy to use. When they need information, modern-day consumers turn first to the Internet. All of your online marketing will make sure they will find

The Internet has changed the way we do business. Many of us now do quite a bit of our shopping online. It's easy. It's fun. It's convenient.

And it is a potential dream come true for the entrepreneur. There is such a wide variety of ways to market online and your market has become the entire world. The potential is there. But can you implement a plan to really make money? With all of the options it's the implementation that causes the problems.

In order to develop a successful Internet marketing strategy, you need to create and implement a plan that includes a good product or service, a specifically designed website to sell your product or service and of course, a great marketing strategy.

Do you have an idea for a product or service you can sell? Can you make a unique selling proposition that will draw in customers? Do you want to create a product on your own? Do you have the skills and abilities to do so? Do you have the capital to invest in your new product?

These are the challenges that you will face before you even get to the point where you are building a website. If you can welcome those challenges with enthusiasm and energy because you have the ideas and the resources to do so then you have an amazing advantage. The world is your market. The Internet is an awesome marketing medium to reach your market. Go for it.

But what if you don't really have the next million dollar idea just waiting around to implement it? What if you really don't have an idea for a unique product or service but you would still like to take advantage of an online business opportunity? Is there a chance that you too, could make a fortune online?

Well, just like with brick and mortar businesses there are ready-made Internet businesses out there. There are opportunities and businesses that are already set up for you. The product is provided. The opportunity is there. You just need to put the marketing machine behind it. Learn about the Internet. Study marketing. Learn how you can get a steady stream of traffic. Then do your research, find a ready-made business model that will fit into your life and you can create the Success you deserve.

Kevin Lynch has made a six figure income from home since 2001. You can get a copy of his awesome book "7 Step Blueprint To Creating A Million Dollar Empire" Absolutely FREE!

Check out his Make Money Online Site today for your FREE copy!

Making Money with Your Blog!


A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

The best links you should try to build for your best home business are definitely one way links. One way links are back links which link from another website to yours without any need for you linking back from your site. A lot of people with great home business ideas are unsure of reciprocal link exchange. Has reciprocal linking lost its value in search engine optimization?

Forget Traditional Reciprocal Link Exchange

Best home business owners have now realized that Google and other search engines do not favor the once popular traditional link exchange where webmasters used to just exchange links freely, mostly non-relevant ones. In fact it is possible that Google may well penalize those webmasters who have excessive non-relevant links using this method. Internet marketers are now resorting to smarter home business ideas to obtain relevant links for their best home business.

How To Get Relevant Links To Your Best Home Business Site

Traditional Way To Get Reciprocal Links

Most internet marketers with home business ideas are still adopting the time consuming way of relevant link exchange even though they may have advanced SEO tools to help them search for link partners. Once a relevant link partner has been identified, the marketer starts to correspond with the potential link partner to obtain agreement on the link exchange. The whole process can be exhaustive, as most of us including me have encountered before. It may be weeks or even months before a link partnership is formed. Sometimes, even the best home business webmasters do not reply to such requests or they are simply not interested or found your link not suitable.

There are many other best home business owners who create a reciprocal link exchange page inviting all kinds of websites to link to them. This approach may have some initial success for some marketers to obtain some relevant links. However it requires the owner with home business ideas to exercise good control over whom he approves as link partners. It's a very labor intensive process and most of times, the webmaster may well just approve all link partners including non-relevant ones too to expedite a tedious task.

A Smarter, Easier Way To Get Relevant Links

Relevant Link Exchange - Recently there have been a good number of new sites who offer fully automated relevant link exchange services. They provide best home business sites with link exchanges with hundreds of totally relevant websites, which in turn increase their optimization theme and allow them to rank higher for targeted keywords they rank for their home business ideas website.

1. Select Your Keywords used in best home business - Once you have registered with the relevant link exchange, which usually offers both free and upgraded services, you will be asked to provide about five of your keyword phrases which you currently rank for your website. These keywords should be found in your website and well optimized too example home business ideas.

2. Website Description - The next thing you are required to do is provide a service category example home business ideas and one or two descriptions of your website or best home business using these keyword phrases. This will increase your keyword search engine marketing efforts.

3. Install Service Codes Into Website - Finally you will be given some html codes to install into your best home business website.

Once you have completed your submission for your top home business ideas site, the relevant link exchange with link partners is fully automated and you may start to obtain many relevant links from your partners without doing any real work. Over time as the registered number of websites increases, your links to your best home business site increase too along with your page rank.

As a registered member of the relevant link exchange site you can easily check from the website's control panel who your relevant partners are, their page rank and if they fall into the keyword phrases category you have selected. A good relevant link exchange site should provide you with the capability to cancel any links with your partners for whatever reasons you may have, for example low page rank. You therefore still maintain full control of which website links to your best home business site and that is important.

Most of these relevant link exchanges will accord these back links to your best home business site only on a weekly basis to ensure natural link building growth and to avoid Google and other search engines deeming it as spam.. Depending on the link exchange you join, some of them provide your home business ideas site a link page listing out your partners in such a way that it appears as another natural page of your website.

It's a simple concept that can boost your home business ideas, which may eventually get you many relevant links from similar niche partners who have similar keyword phrases. As it is fully automated, there is no real effort required and quite different from other link building activities. I think most best home business owners would welcome such services and agree it is a smarter way to get relevant links in order to rank higher in the search engin

Peter Lee Is A Banker As Well As An Authority On Developing Home Based Internet Businesses Part Time. Get more Information On How To Build Your Own Best Home Business And Home Business Ideas To Make Money Online. Visit: Home Business Ideas and Opportunities

Making Money with Your Blog!


A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Internet Presence - Case Study: Recipe for Success

Learn how - anyone - can leverage this Case Study to build a visible Internet presence.

I'm constantly amazed at the number of business professionals unaware of how straight forward it is to build a visible Internet presence. I recognize there may be business professionals who also don't care about this whatever there reasons. That's fine.

I'm writing this for business professionals who care about how they can leverage some very simple and non-technical concepts in an incremental attempt to impact either themselves or their businesses professionally.

In July, I spoke at the San Francisco Chapter meeting of the Marketing Executives Networking Group about leveraging on-line networking platforms and article publishing sites to build a visible Internet presence.

Many of the Silicon Valley Marketing Executives in attendance were amazed to learn how powerful on-line networking sites (e.g., Ecademy, et al.) and article publishing sites (e.g., EzineArticles, et al.) are to not only build a visible - personal - Internet presence, but they were also amazed to learn how you can leverage the exact same principles to drive a visible - corporate - Internet presence.

I used an on-line networking platform member as an example of how he's driven his website not just the 1st page of Google, but the 1st hit in Google out of over 100 million hits, against the keyword phrase: Personal Success Program.

I decided I needed to build my own Case Study after this presentation. In short, here is what I did:

I drove a website against a keyword phrase to the 1st page of Google in less than 30 days leveraging the power of an on-line networking platform and article publishing site.

And if I can do this (i.e., someone who doesn't know anything about Search Engine Optimization), anyone can do this.

What's the recipe?

Let me first start with the chronology.

  • I built my Search Advantage "Case Study" website
  • I launched my "Case Study" website July 31, 2006, and leverage a specific on-line networking platform to promote my "Case Study" website against the keyword phrase: Internet Presence (approximately 170 million hits).
  • My on-line networking platform content started to index quickly (Aug. 3, 2006).
  • My actual "Case Study" website started to index quickly hitting the 2nd page of Google a week after launching (Aug. 8, 2006).
  • My actual "Case Study" website makes the 1st page of Google 10th hit (Aug. 16, 2006).
  • My actual "Case Study" website make the 1st page of Google 5th hit (Sep. 20, 2006).
  • Less than 60 days after putting effort into raising the ranking of my "Case Study" website (against the keyword phrase: Internet Presence) my"Case Study" website consistently ranks in the middle of the first page of hits in Google out of approximately 170 million hits. Incidentally, my actual "Case Study" website also consistently ranks in the middle of the first page of hits in Google out of approximately 347 million hits (against the keyword phrase: Search Advantage).

    The specific details of how I leveraged these concepts to drive my "Case Study" website to the first page of Google are visible to anyone on the Search Advantage website.

    Applying these - exact - same principles, substituting your name for the keyword phrase, will drive - any content associated with your name - higher in Google as well.

    This capability is priceless. For anyone can have this kind of control over proactively creating not only a visible personal, but also a corporate Internet presence, is extremely powerful.

    An expert in mission critical retained executive search, Ron Bates is a Managing Principal with the retained executive search firm Executive Advantage Group, Inc. (

    Ron has also coached former SAP, E&Y, Oracle, WorldCom, et al. executives responsible for multi-billion dollar business units, and co-founded, a self-guided executive coaching process and resume development toolset.

    As a recognized talent assessment, deployment and development expert, Ron has been an invited speaker at venues such as the Marketing Executive Networking Group, British America Business Council, Expert Connections, Business of Success radio, a regular on Netshare's "Ask the Coach", and most recently Ron's interview was included in Leadership Without Borders: Successful Strategies From World-Class Leaders, by Ed Cohen, 2007 John Wiley & Sons. With +34,000 direct on-line professional networking platform contacts, Ron has been referred to as "the most connected man on Earth."

    For career info go to:

    To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

    One way in which article marketing can serve your overall business interests on the Internet and World Wide Web is assisting you in traffic building your website. Towards this important goal, there are four practical pointers that you should bear in mind when it comes to increasing your traffic and customer base through article marketing.

    First, with your well written, timely and topical articles you can include links back to your website. Provided you do prepare and create interesting and informative articles, you will find that an ever growing number of people will click over to your website after reading your articles.

    Second, you can place your articles at article marketing websites or on ezines that bear some sort of more natural connection to your website and your business. This will be another technique through which you can increase traffic to your Internet website.

    Third, you can utilize article marketing as a means to connect directly with potential customers. In this regard, you can send informative and useful articles to individuals that are on your opt-in email list. Time and time again this technique has proved effective at drawing people to your site with increasing regularity.

    Fourth, article marketing can be used as a means of more generally promoting your business, website, products or services to a broad audience. This can be accomplished by making certain that you widely distribute a significant number of your articles on a regular basis.

    Want to learn how I do it? Download my free guide here: Article Marketing Secrets

    Mike Upshaw is an experienced internet marketer specializing in list building, traffic generation, article marketing and affiliate marketing.

    Making Money with Your Blog!


    A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

    Give marketing is all about using your generous nature to bring you good fortune. It's "fortune" rather than reciprocation because you may be rewarded from someone other than you gave to - sometimes just the right person with the connections you need.

    Of course, the best reward of give marketing is that it feels good to do the right thing...

    Give Marketing Tip #1- Giving a Private Phone call
    Meeting online is great. But some things are better discussed on the phone. If you have a lot of international friends, cut down your calls with Skype, an app that lets you make calls on a hi-speed connection through your computer. All you need is a headset and their free software. For a small fee you can even get an incoming phone number.

    Give Marketing Tip #2- Giving a Teleseminar
    Not all Give Marketing is about giving without knowing where the reciprocation will come from. Hold a free teleseminar where you discuss just a few tips as a demonstration of your knowledge, then upsell to a starter item. Add an affiliate program and you'll never be without visitors.

    Give Marketing Tip #3- Giving a Webinar
    While you can get free service for a teleseminar of up to 100 people if you're stateside, most webinars with more than ten guest will cost you a bit of change. To overcome that, record the webinar and sell it as a starter package to those who couldn't make it.

    Give Marketing Tip #4- Giving a Video Demo
    If you've got a way to capture screenshots, next time you have a tip to share, try creating a video instead. Once you get the hang of the software, it can sometimes be faster and more effective than a written tip. Of course, some things are better left in print, so choose wisely.

    Give Marketing Tip #5- Giving a Screenshot
    Almost all computers have an easy way to capture the screen, or freeware you can download to do it. Say it in pictures.

    Give Marketing Tip #6- Giving a How-to
    It can be in text, pictures, audio, video, or all of the above.

    Give Marketing Tip #7- Giving Your Friendship
    Everyone needs help or a shoulder to lean on sometimes. Make friends. It's lonely online.

    Give Marketing Tip #8- Giving Thanks
    Yeah, it seems obvious, but we all forget sometimes. By the way, thank you for reading my article. :)

    Give Marketing Tip #9- Giving Use of Your Resources Share and share alike. And probably get tons of links too.

    Give Marketing Tip #10- Giving an Interview or an Interview Opportunity

    Just because giving an interview benefits you, don't think it's not important to the other party too. And if you're the one asking for the interview, remember to be respectful of the other person's time, and be patient if something goes wrong. Just because we're online doesn't mean folks don't have lives, get sick, or have mini-disasters of their own.

    Being understanding pays off way more than being a prima donna.

    Give Marketing Tip #11- Giving Content or a Place to Publish Content There will never be too many quality resources that provide or publish content.

    By now, you see how this Give Marketing Thing works. You make yourself an indispensable resource, and your knowledge and service does the marketing for you.

    Tinu is a website promotion specialist. Go to to learn more about all aspects of traffic generation, including blogging, article marketing and get late-breaking search engine news. Go to to learn more about all aspects of traffic generation, including blogging, article marketing and search engine optimization.

    To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

    The Holy Grail of Website Design

    Search Engine Optimization has become the holy grail of website design. There are an endless number of articles available on the Web, citing numerous tips and tricks on how to maximize your search engine profile. I find this never-ending game of catch-up with search engine programmers to be a futile exercise as it often leads to the corruption of your website content.

    There is no argument that driving traffic to your website is critical and as such SEO is important. What is as important and I would argue, more important, is delivering your marketing message to those prospects that come to your site. Attracting thousands of visitors who really aren't interested in what you have to offer is counter-productive if attracting those visitors cost you money or has caused you to bury your core value proposition.

    An Alternative Multi-layered Website Design Strategy

    There is an alternative multi-layered website design strategy that will deliver your content in a variety of ways meeting the needs of a Web-audience with varying degrees of attention and interest, while at the same time remaining search-engine friendly and compatible with most commonly employed SEO practices.

    The core objective, stated or unstated, of business websites is to deliver your marketing message in an easy-to-find, understandable, memorable way that compels your prospect to answer your call to action. With these goals in mind we can construct an effective information architecture that presents your content in a way that converts prospects into customers.

    Finding What You Want Fast - Bulleted Points

    As I have often preached, Web-visitors judge the quality of your website by the ease with which they are able to find the information they came to find. I have also repeatedly reminded anyone who listens that Web-audiences just don't have the time, patience or inclination to read most Web-copy.

    These factors make it clear that when constructing the written portion of your website, you should make sure you make ample use of

    1. bulleted points

    2. numbered lists

    3. headlines and subheads, and

    4. captions.

    Understanding What You Need to Know - Extensive Articles

    There is a caveat to this elemental approach to presentation, and that is you cannot rely only on point-form presentation to communicate sophisticated ideas; you must add supplemental information for those who need and want all the details, and for search engines that seek-out and index fertile keyword-laden content.

    The point-form style is designed to give Web-visitors a quick overview of who you are and what you do; it tells them they are where they need to be to solve their problem, and it provides them with the basic information they need to retain their attention. But if you want to close the deal - turn prospects into customers - you need to give your audience more. Link your bulleted items to extended content presented in article format. These informative articles should be easy to read and comprehend. Leave out the sales hype and concentrate on the values you offer that benefits your potential clients.

    Anecdotes & Name Dropping Gets Noticed

    When you write these articles, or have them written for you by a professional, make liberal use of anecdotes and name-dropping. These stories and references will get indexed by search engines and Web-users will find your content serendipitously.

    One of my favorite stories about the lack of communication, one that I used in an article entitled, "The Brand Story - A Tale Worth Telling," was taken from a great book, "Information Anxiety," written by Richard Saul Wurman, who retells the anecdote of a woman seeking a divorce from her husband as told by U.S. Representative Pat Swindall of Georgia. Much to my surprise when I checked the logs for people reading my article, I found many discovered it accidentally by searching for the congressman. This phenomenon was repeated in other articles, whenever I discussed audio voice characteristics using examples of popular personalities like Chris Rock, Dennis Leary, and Sidney Greenstreet, or when I discussed the Web as a conversation environment as presented by Christopher Locke, Rick Levine, Doc Searle, and David Weinberger in their provocative book, "The Cluetrain Manifesto."

    In the above paragraph alone I've made reference to nine personalities, two well- know books, and an article of my own, all of which will get indexed by the search engines and get found by someone, thereby driving traffic to my content.

    Getting Heard Means Making An Impression

    So now that you have constructed a website that gives visitors the information they need quickly and easily; and we have supplemented that initial content with detailed keyword-laden articles filled with reader-friendly stories and search-engine friendly references; we are ready to add the final touch - the compelling deliver of your marketing message.

    What Makes Your Marketing Message Compelling?

    As much as we would like to believe we are rational beings making decisions strictly on logic, argument, and evidence - it is just not the case. We buy things from people we like, not necessarily from people providing the best solution, and we purchase products and services we want, not necessarily things we need.

    As Malcolm Gladwell pointed out in his best selling book, "The Tipping Point," the doctors who get sued for malpractice are not necessarily the lousy doctors, but the doctors who don't spend enough time talking to their patients. What we learn from this is that we cannot ignore the human factor in making a marketing message compelling, and the best way I know to humanize your website is with the sound of the human voice.

    A professionally delivered audio message delivered by an appropriate signature voice not only delivers your message in a compelling, easy to comprehend manner, but it also embeds that message in your prospects mind.

    Getting What You Really Want

    We all want more traffic to our websites, but in the process of attracting that traffic, we cannot forget our more profound goal: more customers, more sales, more revenue, and we cannot achieve that goal unless we deliver a meaningful, memorable message that turns prospects into customers.

    Jerry Bader is a principal partner of Ontario-based MRPwebmedia (http://,, He can be reached at">, Telephone: 905.764.1246.

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