Viral marketing is a methods of list building

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There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

I remember the days of yester year when I was younger and video games were all the rage for the young and old alike. Our corner store found space for Asteroids and Space Invaders, and then it wasn't too much long after when Pac-Man entered the scene.

Everyone knows or at least heard of Pac-Man. It was the video game where a pie shaped figure would be navigated around the screen eating small dots to rack up the points. While this would go on, the little yellow creature is being chased by ghosts of various colors. The object of the game was to eat all of the dots without the ghosts catching you.

Obviously video games have evolved into an unbelievable business, where gamers spend literally billions of dollars every year. Because of video games combined with the Internet, it has created a new revolution of advertising.

The hot term is called viral marketing. It is a type of advertising where people forward your advertising information to their friends and colleagues. They do it, and may or may not know they are doing it.

Many companies today are using online games as a source of viral marketing. It works this way. The company who is advertising has a small game created, something very simple, yet fun. In the background of the game you will see some sort of advertising with the company's name on it. Such items would include a billboard, maybe a sign sticking out of the ground, or even a link to a website.

The person playing the game obviously enjoys it so he or she sends it out to everyone in their inbox. Then they send it out to everyone and so one. Before you know thousands upon thousands of people are playing this game with the company's advertising right in front of them.

You have probably seen this in the non video game format where video hosting sites have videos of companies who create these ridiculous commercials that you can only see online. The videos are so funny or so bad they get passed on to millions of people. If you are the company that is advertising in the video or game, you just hit a homerun because you just advertised to millions of people for literally pennies.

You as a business owner need to take advantage of this type of advertising. The money you will spend to create the game or video will be far less than if you have tried to reach millions of customers around the world.

Create something that is relevant to your business, make it interesting, funny and enjoyable to those would view it or play it, and then post it everywhere you can think. Also, do not forget to send it to friends, relatives and colleagues as to where they can find it on the internet. They'll probably get the ball rolling for you.

It is called viral marketing, and if you aren't taking advantage of it, you are really missing out.

By: Bruce A. Tucker

About the Author:
Bruce A. Tucker is the Associate Director of, an online resource that allows web surfers and internet businesses to post their products and services for sale and hire in 20,000 cities throughout 200 countries around the world free of charge.

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