Viral marketing is a methods of list building

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There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

A lesson on maximizing your viral marketing.

Simplifying your viral marketing can mean instant traffic and sales to any given product.

Focus your viral marketing along with quality lead capture or squeeze pages and the results will never cease to amaze you.

"What is focused viral marketing and how do you simplify it?".

First off I would like to clarify, that viral marketing comes in many forms i.e. article writing, ebook publishing, etc., but for this lesson I am talking about viral marketing in the sense of free viral traffic generation sites such as Banner, Exit, Slide-In Ads, Tool Bar and Web Ring, type advertising exchanges.

Wherein you join and in return for placing the program's exchange code on your site to show other member's ads, you also get your ads shown on the sites of those members.

Focused viral marketing is the combination of several quality viral traffic programs all advertising the same URL for you. Then you divide these viral traffic programs between a series of 4 to 5 lead capture or squeeze pages which advertise a certain affiliate program or one of your products. Each page has a sign up form which is tied to a quality autoresponder system. In this autoresponder system you have a series of letters all with information on this product or service.

Every viral program you have featured throughout this series of pages is also set to advertise these pages. And as you advertise the pages, they in turn get you credits in all the exchanges and also gather leads for you from the autoresponder form you have on the pages.

To simplify your focused viral marketing, you use a central URL, in which you place this series of lead capture pages and where you have access to change the program this URL is advertising. i.e. via a quality tracking and rotator system. A tracking system is recommended. But use your rotator URL in it, so you can add the various pages that have the different viral traffic codes on them into the rotator. Then when you want to change programs you simply change the URL's in the rotator.

To maximize your traffic to this series of pages you put them into all the start page and traffic exchanges you belong to. Some of these sites will not take rotators, so simply put in as many of the pages as they will allow. Keeping note that when you do change your program pages in the rotator you will also want to change these various exchanges as well.

However, also keep in mind that the traffic exchanges that don't allow a rotator will serve to help you continue to grow traffic in the viral programs during times you just want to change the rotator to a single URL. You won't always have time to create a series of pages for every program or product. So you simply keep the same series going in one of your auto surf programs or other quality exchanges you gather frequent credits in and thus continue the focused viral traffic generation with ease.

Once you master the above you can start sending 100's or even 1000's of hits to any product or service you want instantly, by simply going to the one rotator system and changing the URLs it promotes.

I can give you a live case study on this - me - :). I recently created a free report, in which I was able to instantly change my on going focused viral marketing within a matter of seconds by logging in to my rotator and changing the URLs in it. Then once I did that all my current live ads started promoting this one report. Literally within a matter of minutes I was receiving sign ups to the autoresponder and people were downloading my free report. In less then a week I had 50 members in this autoresponder system and the numbers continue to climb as we speak.

Each time I do this I can focus 100-500 + hits a day to any given program or product and instantly generate sign ups and purchases of my products. If I want to bump that up even more. I just surf more in my traffic exchanges that day. It is that simple!

It never ceases to amaze me how easy it is to do this. So much so, that on this last round I even logged into all my banner exchanges, etc. I have been using and realized there was no need. I already had them promoting my tracking / rotator URL and I was set, didn't have to do another thing except watch the sign ups pour in.

Once you have the above set in motion you can instantly have traffic coming from all over the Internet, to any product or service you want. You can do this too! It just takes a little focus and determination.

Sincerely, Debbie Ducker

About the Author
Debbie Ducker is the owner of:
And author of many articles and How To marketing materials.
Get help with your viral marketing by reading our new ebook here:

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