Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

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To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

First, allow me to preface this report by stating, advertisers in 2005 have spent $5.75 BILLION on Search Engine Marketing according to the latest news article published by:
SEMPO (Search Engine Marketers)

Website marketers cited Search Engine positioning was the top methodto drive traffic to their sites (66%), followed by email marketing (54%).
Source: Direct Marketing Association.

Assuming this relationship is still the same, (Good Guess), then, it is common sense to maximize your marketing efforts using both TARGETED Email marketing AND Search Engine Marketing to INCREASE profits.

The most cost effective way, to market your website, online, is to obtain several top 10-search engine rankings on the major search engines for your KEYWORDS.

Here is some interesting information:

Google grew approximately 75% and received 48.8% of all search engine traffic for December 2005. Yahoo received approximately 53.3%, down .3. MSN received 20.0% down 3.1.

Lets face it, Google is simply the largest search engines being utilized online today.
Source: Nielsen//NetRatings February 9, 2006

If you had a bricks and mortar corner store at SOMEWHERE WORLD, how would you advertise and promote that store?
Classified? Newspaper ads? TV ads? Radio?

Forget all that.

Welcome to Internet Marketing!

I am a very big fan of Search Engine Marketing using KEYWORDS, and email marketing using a highly TARGETED, (niche) market. But, this could cost anarm and a leg if you are not careful.

It is absolutely necessary to have some knowledge of how these resources work.

Or, have a well recommended, highly regarded company provide services for you. We use a company that is known world wide and also performs SEO services for Yahoo, along with many other International companies and organizations.

Feel Free to contact us for more information.

When I first investigated resources to promote my site, I started by asking for bids.

Was I ever amazed! They ranged from an iniitial cost of $300 plus monthly reoccurring costs, to $3000 plus monthly reoccurring costs. And, that was just for SEO services. We still have KEYWORD bidding, (marketing), we need to discuss.

Site submission is uncontrolled chaos. No one, and I mean NO ONE knows what GOOGLE thinks. Here is a little tongue twister. The real key in getting top position is selecting the right relevant KEYWORD with the best KEI value. More on this in a future Article.

Cant wait, can you?

Employees of GOOGLE dont know how they evaluate sites for ranking. Promises of top search engine ranking in 10 days are nonsense, unless, your ranked with some obscure KEYWORD that no one uses. I thought about that for awhile and came up with a solution.


BRAND your product, service, or website. Use your BRAND name everywhere; your ads, email, website, submissions, keywords.

Gain recognition.

This is a slow process, but it WORKS! I registered my BRAND:
Opportunities Now Internet Marketing Services.
It is indexed in all major Search Engines.
You can read an article we wrote about branding here:

Some Interistesting Facts:

Top ways websites are discovered :

Banner ads 1%
Targeted email 1.2%
TV spots 1.4%
"By accident" 2.1%
Magazine ads 4.4%
Word-of-mouth 20%
Random Surfing 20%
Search Engines 46%
(Ref. - Popular Search engine review.)

Please be careful how you interpret these stats. This refers to being DISCOVERED. SALES are made by Keyword marketing (about .52%), and targeted email marketing, about 48%.)

In Summary

Combine your email marketing with Search Engine Submissions to cover ALL your market. Use a reputable company for SEO, (Search Engine Optimization)services. Some even offer a 90 day free trial.

Start growing YOUR own "in house" safelist. We started with 366 subscribers 60 days ago, and grew our DOUBLE OPTINLIST by over 1000% today. (We can prove this claim).

If want to know how, contact us.

We are very fortunate to have a relationship with our very highly regarded, respected, and valued subscriber list. We would NEVER sell, transfer or lease our list to anyone.

If you are using "spray and pray" marketing techniques, you are missing 50% of your potential sales and nearly 99% of your market.

Final Tip: Make a BUDGET you can afford;(It does not matter the how large, or small, your budget is.. Set aside about 50% for SEO and 50% TARGETED email marketing.

Watch your traffic and sales grow.

Yahoo Feed "Go Articles", an excelant source for information.


I began my work from home business three years ago, operating successfully, as an affiliate for several quality online businesses. On October 11, 2005, we took a major step forward and launched our website:

Since then, we have more than doubled our online sales, and profits, using techniques we learned over the previous three years. Our goal is to help other work from home business surive and grow successfully too.

Our site provides all the necessary products and services needed to have that dream be reality.

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