Making Money with Your Blog!

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A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Alright, so you have heard about how important keywords are in SEO. But why is it so important, you might ask. The answer is pretty simple really.

Because, unless you sell to your target audience, chances are that your webpage is lost in the millions of pages out there.

This is one of the reasons why most companies spend considerable time in keyword research before going online. If you are a company who is about to go online in some time, then you can follow these steps to maximize the effectiveness of your SEO program.

What are people searching for?

That's exactly what you need to find.

  • While it is normal that you have at least 1 to 3 keywords on your main page, the focus should be on the most crucial keyword.

  • Get a piece of paper and jot down a list of the most used and most searched terms.

  • Look at it as if you are a customer searching for something and write down the very terms that you would use.

  • This will very easily give you a few words to start with and then you can list down the ones that are closest to these keywords.

  • There are several tools like overture and word tracker that can help you with the most used keywords in the last few weeks.


Just pick up any term that is relevant to your product from the list and conduct a search on google for the term. The number of web pages that come up in the result pages will help you determine the competition for that particular term.

And the last part is how you apply the keywords to your content. This is a section called as on page SEO techniques which tells you how you have to use the keywords on your webpage.

For more info visit : SEO Keyword Research

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