Viral marketing is a methods of list building

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There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

E-mail marketing has been helping people make money for several years now. Unfortunately there are people who think that e-mail marketing does not work anymore. This is not true, and in this article, I want to give you six e-mail marketing list building tips you can use to make money even today!

1. Put your emphasis on building a quality mailing list. This means that all of your marketing efforts go towards getting subscribers. The quicker you get a quality mailing list the faster you will make money mailing to it.

2. Avoid spam at all costs. This means do not buy thousands, or even millions, of email addresses to mail out to. There are people who do very well with bulk email campaigns, but your goal is to build a quality list of your own and bulk email marketing does not do that.

3. Purchase a domain name that accurately describes what you offer. Point that to a splash page that you will build to get subscribers.

3. Use a splash page that you can quickly design to do one thing. Your primary goal with your splash page is to get the email address and the name of your visitor. You do this buy trading something of value for their contact info. This can be a free report, or eBook. The important thing is your giveaway is so valuable to them that they are willing to sign up to receive it.

4. Advertise your splash page anywhere you can. Put it in your signature file if you do forum marketing. Add a sign up form on your blog or website. Place classified ads for it. Promote it via traffic exchanges. Include the link to your splash page in your resource box of every article you write. This has been a few ideas on where you can advertise your splash page.

5. Once you have a mailing list you need to work at developing a relationship with each subscribers. Your goal is to become a trusted person that offers valuable information designed to help your reader. You will be able to sell to your list more easily the sooner that you develop trust with it.

6. Think long term in everything you do. Do not go for short money making schemes that can hurt your credibility. Your ultimate goal is to be able to work your list and make sales for several years. You can not do that when you are driving people to unsubscribe.

This is 6 email marketing list building tips that will help you build a quality mailing list for your future. Email marketing is not dead as long as you do it correctly!

Jeff Schuman invites you to visit his make money online website for hundreds of make money articles, ideas, and products. To see how he uses JV With Jeff, and Hands Off Article Marketing to help you make money, please visit his web site here: ---->

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