Viral marketing is a methods of list building

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There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

First of all, SEO provides you with targeted traffic, not just any visitors. That means visitors that are looking specifically to buy what you are selling.

Common traffic methods like traffic exchanges, safelists, popup or popunder traffic, buying traffic and other methods provide visitors, however these visitors are not always looking for what you sell. In other words most of the time they are looking for something else. It means they will not buy from you.

There are many other reliable traffic generation methods, it is not just SEO. However SEO is one of the best methods and here are some reasons.

First of all you can get a ton of traffic, not little but a lot. You may require some time if your website is brand new to get rankings and start getting traffic. But once you get that first keyword ranked on top, you start getting rankings much faster and much easier.

It is because you get more link exchange requests. Search engines prefer old sites, instead of those brand new. Once you start making money you can invest to automate SEO completely.

So if it takes you two months to get that first keyword ranked on top, it will then take you a month to get three or four more at once. The experience alone and results motivate you to do more. There is another advantage.

If you just got the top position for a keyword such as free mouse traps it will be easier to get on top position the keyword mouse traps or cheap mouse traps. It is because you already have several backlinks with the anchor text mouse traps. If you have the top position for free mouse traps, you should have backlinks with that anchor text.

That is another benefit of choosing long tail keywords, which means keywords with multiple words.

The more backlinks you have the better. So after you get that first keyword ranked on top, while optimizing your site for the new keywords you already have a ton of backlinks. Your site is already established, not brand new. This all makes it easier to get high rankings again and again for new keywords.

So do not believe into what you hear that SEO takes long time, like six months or a year to get results. It all depends on how well you know SEO and how properly you follow SEO strategies. You need to learn SEO from a proven source, someone who can show you results. On the Internet there are many so called SEO experts and firms, who guarantee too good to be true results.

You should get on page one within two months, not a single day more. If it takes you three months you are doing something wrong or you can do something much better, or you are not applying some method correctly enough.. SEO can be fully automated and it can be your traffic generation machine day in day out. SEO alone is enough to give you enough traffic to make four, five or six figures income assuming your website copy and other elements are properly set as well.

There are keywords you can target once you get that experience and you have that extra more investment which can give you fifteen thousand visitors or more a day. Just from one keyword.

That alone should be a good reason to think about implementing SEO in your business as one of the main methods to get targeted traffic.

OutRankSmart brand new seo software to make automatic link exchanges. Karl Sultana's software is fully automatic, so even a 7 year old kid can use it.

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